File Information
- Submitted: May 24 2008 05:35 PM
- Last Updated: May 24 2008 05:35 PM
- File Size: 5.47MB
- Views: 2954
- Downloads: 853
Download HotShot 1280WDX
HotShot180WDX things to note: the hi lo reel has no lamps because it has 2 differentthe emulator doesnt suport duel lamps on reels and also this hasnt been tested any errors let me knowta EDIT:1.try to use in v10.1a as thats what i used to make it some ppl have said the numbers are wrong in other versions of the emulator2.if you get a error 1.1 (or is it 11?) then slow the machine down by going into config and making the number lower3.sweet rated F best so far
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