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  • Submitted: Feb 04 2009 06:30 PM
  • Last Updated: Feb 04 2009 06:30 PM
  • File Size: 7.66MB
  • Views: 8665
  • Downloads: 3233

Download I'm A Celebrity 1600+1024 DX's

* * * * - 4 Votes

Here they're! All done. This is a "dual" release of a S4 machine called 'I'm A Celebrity'. A 1600 DX by my good self, and a 1024 DX which was done by Baz. Huge thanks goes out to Bazpeeb, for sending me the flyer which was used to make this DX. Baz, for doing the line work on the flyer, and for also doing the 'Hi-Lo' reel images that were used. And also thanks to Niallquinn, for a spot of testing. :)There are a few tiny niggles with this. For some reason the "Transfer" button doesn't work. Not sure why. Plus there are a couple of instances where the lamps don't "flicker", like they should. When you have shots on the top, and when you get the feature 'Snake Bite'. But they're very minor problems.The machine has had a shed-load put in it, and should be ready to give all the "juicy" features from the off!The shortcuts for both layouts, are:Cancel - `Collect - CHold 1 - 1Hold 2/Hi - 2Hold 3/Lo - 3Exchange - ETransfer - T (Doesn't work)Start - SpaceGet Me Out Of Here - G£1 Insert - 0Have fun! :)



great fun this despite hating the tv programme! Thanx.
Jackpot after Jackpot after Jackpot etc etc.............

any chance a 10p £5jp can be done on the 1024dx please

is there a problem with the emutor as the sounds on the start of feature are too low sounding

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