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  • Added on: Feb 20 2010 06:18 PM
  • Views: 5253

'Invalid Layout ' Error in an MFME Emulator

Posted by Bencrest on Feb 20 2010 06:18 PM

When you try to open a layout in any version of the MFME emulator, you get an 'Invalid Layout' error message.


Either :

a) You are trying to open an MFMEv2 Layout in MFMEv1,
B) You are trying to load a BFMulator Layout into an MFME emulator,
c) The layout has become corrupted.


a) Try loading the layout in MFMEv2. MFMEv2 can be recognised as when it is opened, a pop-up window which contains scrolling information about the emulator and authors appears. If you need to download a copy of MFMEv2, it can be found in the 'Downloads' section of the website.

B) Find out which emulator the game should use. Here is a quick guide, shown by the sort of files a game is made of :

i) MFME games will have a DAT file, a GAM file, a RAM file, and ROMs.
ii) BFMulator games will have a GAM file, and loads of BMP files.
iii) JPeMu games will have a JIF file, a JEL file, a RAM file, and ROMs.

Using the examples above as a guide, load them in the correct emulator. All the emulators should be available in the 'Downloads' section of this site.

c) If you still receive the error, it is likely the layout has become corrupted, and so it should be downloaded again. When you download it again, save it to a different location than when you first downloaded it.

If the problem persists, and you have tried both solutions, feel free to mention the problem in the forums, giving details of the layout affected, and the operating system used.

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