Well here we go then, another £35 machine emulated
Set at 40p&50p/£35/90%
First of all a MASSIVE thanks to HitTheSix for getting this running (open doors is better than no machine at all)
Secondly to Dougsta for playtesting/fault finding/nagging

and to CrazyBar for editing some images for me that i was unable to do due to
CS4 being stupid & constantly crashing
finally to me for getting a dual stake option ;D
One or two things to note
When money is put in (not pressig start for £20 credit) it is a very very very tight machine,
i myself put £100 in earlier with a £5 block & not to mention the other money that had been put
in during the creation
(Dougsta said he had to put £200 in for a Jp (no repeat) so probably best using the £20 free credit
secondly, the lamps at the side of the reels (to represent the ones on winline) dont seem to work,
same with the when 3 are in view, they should flash depending on what you have available,
so ive just removed the lamps as it got confusing
Also the reason theres 2 sets of lamps for the reel/bonus thing is due to the fact its a tripple lamp
& MFME does not do triple lamps, only doubles, still its not that bad on the eye
finally theres no NUDGE NOW lamp so a label will suffice
So enjoy the 5th £35JP machine released for MFME
` - Cancel
C - Collect
0 - £1 in
1 - Hold 1
2 - Hold 2
3 - Hold 3
H - High
L - Low
S - Step
N - 40p Play
Space - 50p Play