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Epoch Emulator: First Video

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#61 fuzion


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Posted 16 January 2013 - 02:47 PM

It's hard to say to be honest :) Getting the ROMs running was by far the most difficult bit, but it's probably not the most time consuming! One of the tasks is to write a JIT recompiler to reduce CPU usage to minimal levels (the current interpreter consumes 70-80% of a CPU core). This is 2 months work at least. The rendering engine and tools are probably another 6 months work.

The current ball-park plan:

June 2013 - Layout designers who are interested start helping with initial beta testing / feedback
October 2013 - Wider beta testing from normal users
December 2013 - First public release, project open sourced.

Beyond - Possibly the addition of other techs that Guitar isn't planning to incorporate into Amber (MPU5/Scorpion 4)

What I want to do is release something that looks great and runs really well. I'd much rather take my time to get it right than end up rushing it and release something that's half-baked. For this reason the dates might slip :)


Personally I would love to see the BWB video machines emulated.  I know it has been emulated in mfme4 but it's not likey to get released.  Mame is a very slow burner, I don't know how far they are on with this tech.



// stumblin' in the neon groves

#62 prizeguy2005



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Posted 16 January 2013 - 05:16 PM

really enjoying this thread a good read does anyone have a list of the maygay machines epoch their are full romsets for?  Not too many epochs left these days even on ebay

#63 Guest_Tommy c_*

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Posted 16 January 2013 - 07:36 PM

Many thanks for the update,good stuff.

#64 brucegeorge


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Posted 16 January 2013 - 08:23 PM

Thanks for the update everytime I read your posts it puts a huge smile on my face to think that oneday we will be able to enjoy these machines again your doing a great job take your time and thank you



#65 cardie


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Posted 16 January 2013 - 09:59 PM

It's hard to say to be honest :) Getting the ROMs running was by far the most difficult bit, but it's probably not the most time consuming! One of the tasks is to write a JIT recompiler to reduce CPU usage to minimal levels (the current interpreter consumes 70-80% of a CPU core). This is 2 months work at least. The rendering engine and tools are probably another 6 months work.

The current ball-park plan:

June 2013 - Layout designers who are interested start helping with initial beta testing / feedback
October 2013 - Wider beta testing from normal users
December 2013 - First public release, project open sourced.

Beyond - Possibly the addition of other techs that Guitar isn't planning to incorporate into Amber (MPU5/Scorpion 4)

What I want to do is release something that looks great and runs really well. I'd much rather take my time to get it right than end up rushing it and release something that's half-baked. For this reason the dates might slip :)

Sign me up for testing!

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#66 Bencrest


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Posted 17 January 2013 - 12:02 AM

Yeah, I'd be up for a bit of layout design / UI testing too. 


Obviously this is a very early stage for such things though, I just wish you the best with the project until then! If I could help I would, but it would all be beyond me (bar the testing part) :)

Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
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#67 NickYerPesos



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Posted 14 March 2013 - 01:41 PM

Super excited by these posts. sorry i havent been very active lately, me and my wife have been busy making our own project.. six months in, only 3 to go :D


Anyway im so happy to see someone is putting in the time and effort needed and cant thank you enough for your hard work (and of course anyone else who has helped)


I would of course be willing to, if needed to put my name forward for beta layout creation, along with these other fine people. :)


Anyways, thank you, and muchos gracious Senior



#68 I have finished

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Posted 14 March 2013 - 11:36 PM

Great progress Killcrazy! I'd also be interested in testing, and whenever I see your progress messages here, I always get a smile on my face. One day, I'll bang my finger on the delete key and delete all those fake Homer's Meltdown layouts for MFME with Italian job sound roms! I did notice on that particular video that the reel hold sounds are not working, but they do in Duff Beer Guide. Also, will there be keyboard shortcuts like in MFME? that would make it easier for me so I can get a way to work the emulator, and that is why I liked MFME in the first place as it was visually impaired friendly. Great work, keep in touch!

#69 bladefan2


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Posted 17 March 2013 - 10:45 AM

oh that's excellent to see - EPOCH technology being emulated - there were a lot of good fruit machines using this technology - can't wait to start emulating and playing some of these !!

#70 prizeguy2005



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Posted 30 March 2013 - 05:02 PM

Just bumping thread any progress on this development?

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