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Guide To Getting Project Amber And Game Up And Running

Posted vectra666 on 28 April 2012 - 09:15 PM in FME and Emulator Tutorials

Created by vectra666

as of 13/04/2014.
As its been asked a lot i thought i,d make a topic on how to get it running this guide might not be compatible on all computers and the way people put stuff on their computers maybe different to how i do it but this works for me on my laptop so here goes. Ok ...
Step 1. Download the latest project amber emu currently version  10912. follow
all the steps within the amber emu itself. (you,ll need to replace the exe.file with version 10913 )
1B. games can be found via the skydrive link-
2. to get games running 1st download the game you want say "aladdins cave" it comes in 2 parts, the roms and the layout(pad.file.).
3. once downloaded extract to desktop then click onto the amber shortcut on desktop then right click,
4. click "open file location"
5. click "libraries"
6.then you,ll see 3 files graphics, layout,roms. put the white "rom" files into the rom folder
7. then put the layout white file ending in (pad) into the layout folder.
8. Then back to the Amber shortcut click onto it then right click, then click "run as administrator"
9.then click yes when told to do.
10. you should see a orange box. tick "offline" (unless online available)and click show graphics options.
11. set acceleration to [HAL] and my adapter is set on mobile intel 4 series express chipset family it could vary depending on computer used.
12. set resolution to what your computers set at you,ll find this in "graphic properties" my lappy,s set to 1366x768
13. layout scaling " scale to native res"
14. now click "apply and launch
15. after about 10-15seconds the games you've downloaded and placed in the relevant library files with start to scan... then a orange screen should appear click the wording or screen
16. then "click to continue"
17. then click play the games should be listed click "aladdins cave"
17B. if on online mode click onto a arcade say guitarcade then select a game (red ones already in play or not available)
18.after about 10-15seconds game should appear and away you go.
hopefully this small guide will help some people if not i,m sure the layout guys are more than happy to assist you
happy gaming and goodluck
if there,s anymore parts of this guide missing can someone who knows what they are please add within the posts thankyou

Quick Start MFME Guide

Posted spa on 20 February 2010 - 06:22 PM in FME and Emulator Tutorials

NB Based on a DVD. The emus mentioned can be downloaded and added to the folder as in step One.


Ok, on you dvd you have 2 folders. 1 arcade, 1 machines.

Copy everything to your computer hard drive, for ease, make a folder of your computer desktop called 'Fruit machines'

Now you have everything on you computer open the arcade folder.

You will see 4 files, mfme11, mfme3.2, mfme 9.4 and mfme10_1a

These are different builds of this emulator, each runs a different selection of machines.

Now, in your machine folder is 4 folders, each labelled as the emulator you need to use to run the machines in.

So, if you want to play are real old one, like line up. Open the arcade folder, open the mfme11 file.

This will bring up a grey box. This is the emualtor running.

Right, at the top you'll see file/game manager/design and so on. You need to click on file and then a box will drop down.

This box has more options, niot many but you want load game. Click load game.

This will bring up a standard windows 'open file' window.

On the top left it says Look in: basically direct it to you desktop and then to the 'Fruit machines' folder you copied every into to start with.

Now, as you have mfme11 running you need to open the fruit machihes folder.

Now open the machines folder, the other folder you will see is arcade.

Inside the machines folder are 4 folders, all labelled as different mfme builds. Open mfme1.1

Inside that is a folder called mpu3. Mpu3 is the technology that the very old Barcrest machines ran on, like Line Up and Exchanges Unlimited.

There's several games inside the mpu3 folder, pick the opne you want to play and open that folder, do Line up for starters.

The folder name EXACTLY is Line Up (Mpu3) (SAS) DX.

Inside that folder is 1 file mfme1.1 picks up. LineUpDX (MPU3SAS). Hilight that file and click open.

Ok, the machine has just loaded up ! Looks like theres some credits in it aswell, 9 by the looks of things :-)

Now you have a choice, all those buttons, you can use you mouse and click on them, go on, click start, the reels spin.

Or if you'd rather, hit space bar, same thing happens.

They are easier to play with the keyboard, so the usual shortcut buttons are,

space bar - start
0 - money in
123 - holds 123
` <-- that icon is the button next to the 1 above the 1st line of letters on your keyboard.
c - collect
A - Auto nudge
E - Exchange

If there's ever a button the don't work, it's usually releated to a button on your key board. If C for Collect don't work, try T for take.

You can see how you 4 fingers on you left hand sit perfectly on those 4 buttons!

Do remember, mfme1.1 willnot play machines in the other folders. If you want to have a go on a machine in the mfme9.4 folder, use mfme9.4.

You will also see 'Classic' and 'DX' at the end of all the machine folders. Classic means it's made with no proper photos, and DX is made with proper photos.

If you load something up and the whole machine dose not fit you screen, right click on you desktop, not on anything and a box will come up.

Click on properties, then select the settings tab from the 5 taht are there.

You will see a screen resolution but with a slide bar. If you can slide that bar til it says 1280 by 1024 that's perfect.

If it won't, not the end of the world, all classics will fit on 1024 by 768.

Just one more thing, if the machine appears to be running too quick or too slow, when you have mfme open if you go into the coniguration tab you will see a delay box (mfme11 only)

On the other versions of mfme they are speed, not delay. Increase the number, start at 10000 and make it bigger, or smaller to suit you computer.

This problem was solved in mfme3.2. If has no configuration setting, you just go file, preferences. Tick the auto throttle chack box and the machine runs at the proper speed it should.

It does all sound complex, but it's not. Once you have the hang of it, it's easy :-)

Running your first emulation

Posted duplu on 20 February 2010 - 05:36 PM in FME and Emulator Tutorials

The aim of this document is to help you get your first emulations up and running. Emulation is a tricky business that involves a variety of programmes (thankfully all free!) and an up-to-date system. Please read this document carefully and if you still require help please search the knowledgebase for a solution.


Your PC should be at least a Pentium IV 1.8Ghz with 512Mb of RAM and a fairly decent graphics card. Ideally you should be running Windows XP or Vista, some emulations will run with Windows 98/Me but there have been problems reported. Your screen resolution must be at least 1024 x 768 to play some of the emulations. Ideally you should use a screen resolution of 1280 x 1024 to play the vast majority and even 1600 x 1200 for some.


Ensure you have the following installed on your system before you start:

dx9.gif winzip.jpg

WINZIP - Can be downloaded here
DirectX Latest Version - Can be downloaded here

Both of these must be installed before you begin.


Ensure that the drivers for both your sound card and graphics card are up to date. This is especially important for those of you using AC97 on-board sound as numerous problems have been reported with this.

Install Fruit Machine Emulation Installation Wizard

Download the latest copy of FMEIW found here and save this to your PC desktop. This is the program that will install the majority of the emulators required.

1. Using WINZIP extract the contents of the file 'Fruit Machine Emulator Installation Wizard.zip' directly onto the desktop. To do this if you have WINZIP correctly installed simply RIGHT click the file and select 'Winzip' and then 'Extract here..' from the menu displayed. Do not run the setup directly from the zip file as this will cause installation problems.

2. You will now see a directory called 'Fruit Machine Emulator Installation Wizard' on the desktop. Double click this directory to show its contents. Double-click the file fmeiw.exe and the installation will begin. You will now see the first screen.


3. This screen gives version information and some recommendations about closing all other applications. Read the notes and then click next.


4. The pre-installation checklist screen will display results taken from your system. If there are any problems then you will be either given a critical errror, and the installation will stop, or warning but then be allowed to continue. If you pass all the requirements press next.


5. The next screen to be displayed is the Licence Agreement, you need to read this and agree to the terms by clicking on the I agree radio button, next will then be selectable


6. Next is the information screen and copyright notices, please read and then click next.


7. This is the install type screen, this guide only covers the Typical settings as this automatically selects the correct emulators designed to run on your computer. Selecting custom allows you to install other components that may not work correctly on your system, or older versions for compatability with some older layouts. You can also choose an alternate install location with the custom option. Select Typical and then next.


8. The ready to install screen is now displayed, summarising the install location. Click next.


9. The installer will now copy files and set up your system, during this process you will see the Installing files screen as shown.


10. Once the install has finished the final screen will be shown, Click Finish. You have now installed the emulators.

The different emulators

You will now have an entry within your START menu titled 'Fruit Machine Emulation'. Within this you will find a shortcut for each of the emulators.


There are currently 5 different emulators :

BFMulator will run all of the machines you find in this section of the downloads. BFMulator is different from all the other emulators in that it can run an emulation whilst it is still in a .zip file, so long as the ZIP file contains both a layouts and the ROMs.

JPeMu will run all of the machines you find in this section of the downloads. Layouts and ROMs for the latest version of JPeMu are stored in the same ZIP file but must be unzipped before the emulation can be played.

MFME v1.1 and v2.0 will run both MPU3/4 layouts and M1A layouts. Some of the ZIP files for these machines will contain both the ROM and layout and some will be seperate. You will need to check the comments for each download for more details.

MFME v2.0 layouts can be found here and must only be run in version 2 - loading these into version 1.1 will result in an 'invalid layout' error.

Downloading a machine to play

To run an emulation you need to download both a 'layout' and the ROMs for the machine in question. This can be confusing at first as some of the files contain only a layout, some contain only the ROM and some contain both. You will need to read the comments which are attached to each file. As a general rule it is only older MPU3/4 and M1A files which have the ROMs and layouts in two different files.

Layout Types

A 'layout' will appear either as a 'classic layout' or a type of 'DX' layout:

Classic layouts still play exactly like the original machine but do not use the original artwork for the machine. This could be because the artwork was not available at the time the emulation was created or often layout creators start with a classic layout when working out how the machine works.

DX layouts
come in several flavours - A plain DX uses the artwork from the original machine and will often be in the same aspect ratio as your PC screen. This means that the machine will appear wider than normal and may fill your whole screen. A WDX layout again uses the artwork from the original machine, but maintains the original aspect ratio of the machine (and therefore looks more realistic). WDX layouts will often have side art as well to further add to the gaming experience.Finally you will also see PDX layouts or pseudo-DX, these machines will have been designed using artwork from a different machine usually because no artwork was available for the machine in question.

Care should be taken when downloading DX layouts as some have been designed for a 1280 x 1024 or 1600 x 1200 resolution screen. Users with some TFT screens and smaller VDUs will not be able to change their screen to this resolution and therefore will be unable to see the bottom of the machine (often the reels!).

Basic FME Information

Posted Geddy on 20 February 2010 - 06:01 PM in General Information


1) ROM - In our case the ROM is the data that has been extracted from the real Fruit Machine . These are used by the EMULATOR.

2) LAYOUT - These are the things the folks here make using the EMULATOR to give a visual appearance to the ROM. For example a nice coloured, lamped flyer which when ran in the EMULATOR with the correct ROM gives us a game to play. LAYOUTS can come in various guises...
A ROM and a LAYOUT are two totally different things!!!

a) The CLASSIC - this is the basic, some say hardest version to make. They have no fancy gfx and are usually a visual representation of the machine.

B) The DX - These layouts have the actual artwork that is associated with the real game. Sometimes in the forms of flyers, glass scans or 'Walts' which are sometimes referred to as 'redraws.'

c) The PDX - These creations are sort of half CLASSIC and half DX. Most aren't too 'hot' to be honest. :D

3) EMULATOR - these are the coded bits of software that allow us to run LAYOUTS and ROMS. In some cases the EMULATOR is even used to MAKE the LAYOUT but cannot make a ROM.

We have had EMULATORS called MFME, JPeMu, BFeMu, AGEMame and recently FMEF.

So now you all know the difference between an EMULATOR, a ROM and a LAYOUT please stop getting the buggers mixed up!!!! If you are going to beg for something at least have the decency to know what the hell you are asking for. ;)


Well you download the EMULATOR and save it to your HDD. When you open the EMULATOR you point it to the machine you want to play. This machine will have the LAYOUT files and the ROM files together in a nice folder on your HDD. You will need knowledge of unzipping files to get them there in the first place. (How the chuff half of you managed to actually manage to get a computer to connect to the Internet is beyond me...)

So to play 'Red Hot Roll DX'* first you will need the correct EMULATOR and the 'Red Hot Roll
DX' LAYOUT along with the 'Red Hot Roll' ROMS.
Unzip the roms and layout and place together in a folder. Once the emulator is running point it to your 'Red Hot Roll' folder and select the 'Red Hot Roll DX.gam' file. The machine will then run and you can play happy for a few mins before you get board and return here asking for DOND.

You can't see all the layout can you? If you notice some layouts are named (all mine are hehe) with a number in the title representing the resolution of the LAYOUT. If it is a classic it more than likely will be a 800 and fit 99% screens. If it is 1024 most should be okay as well. Bugger me though once you start getting 1280 or 1600 then some folks might have trouble seeing all of the LAYOUT. Help is at hand you can do a few things to stop you screaming like a shot pig on the forums about it.

1) If the LAYOUT works in MFME v3 or BFeMu hath no fear as these EMULATORS are scrollable. Yeah just drag the EMULATOR to the size you require... thank f*** for that eh.

2) You could check to see if the LAYOUT comes in any other sizes. Searching is very handy for this and most layouts have a CLASSIC which will be good enough for all!

3) You could actually DO something positive and make and release the LAYOUT you require yourself. Also if you are going to release a layout a nice picture of the layout is handy to post in your 'Release Thread.'

Oh and for Pete's sake BEFORE you ask for a LAYOUT can you find it within yourself to check the handy link in my sig. It has a list of all the current available LAYOUTS.

* - might not be available, check the t*atting list first!!!

A simple guide to running you first Emulation.

Posted hitthesix on 29 August 2010 - 07:25 AM in FME and Emulator Tutorials

A simplified Word doc tutorial on how to open an Emulation.

Attached File(s)

Member Colours/Badges

Posted ady on 05 January 2013 - 09:56 PM in Miscellaneous Information

Blue. This is the standard members colour.
Bronze, Silver or Gold. These are members that have donated to the running of the site.
Green. Layout Designer.
Purple. Moderator.
Red. Admin.
Donated badges can be obtained at any time by selecting the donations tab, please follow the instructions on the page.
Layout Designer badges, These are selected via Moderators and Admins in a private vote. Anybody may suggest someone who they feel should be altered and that should be made via EMAIL to a staff member.
PLEASE NOTE PM's are private so don't PM as we respect PM's and therefore cannot share the suggestion and they are not to be posted on the forums by members. The final choice is down to the staff vote, not members.
The same applies to Moderators as and when needed.

Using MFME

Posted duplu on 20 February 2010 - 09:53 PM in FME and Emulator Tutorials

Version : 1.1

Emulator Author : Chris Wren and Tony Friery

Supported Techs : MPU3/4, M1A

MFME is used to primarily run machines originally manufactured by Barcrest (prior to 1996) and MayGay (M1A). Layout and ROM ZIP files must be unzipped, once downloaded (the layout and ROM may have to be downloaded as separate ZIP files), before they can be used with MFME. The following documentation assumes that you have installed MFME via a full installation of FMEIW (Fruit Machine Emulator Installation Wizard). If you have not used FMEIW then we recommend that you re-install all your emulators via this method as it will check your system for required files and will also set various parameters correctly.

Starting the Emulator

LEFT click the START menu and then choose the 'Programs' menu item (All programs on Windows XP). From the resulting menu LEFT click 'Fruit Machine Emulation' and then 'MFME - Multiple Fruit Machine Emulator'.

The emulator will now load and you will be left with the screen below.

Browsing for Emulations

MFME contains a game manager which will scan a selected folder (and all sub-folders) for all compatible emulations. These will then be presented in a list within the game manager. Loading an emulation is then simply a matter of double-clicking the emulation name.

To browse a directory LEFT click the 'Game Manager' menu item to display the following screen :

LEFT click the 'Browse' button at the bottom of the screen and select the folder on your computer where you have saved your unzipped MFME layouts and ROMs. Each layout and ROM combination should have been extracted into a separate directory within your main layouts directory.

When you are ready LEFT click the 'OK' button and your selected directory will be shown in the 'Search In' text box. Next LEFT click the 'Scan' button and your selected directory and all sub-directories will be scanned for compatible emulations.

This process can take a long time for MFME to scan all of the directories. The amount of time this takes when be dependant on the number of emulations you have in the directories and also the speed of your PC. As each emulation is find it will be added to the game manager list. The 'Status' column will indicate if there are any problems with the emulation MFME has found. This will usually indicate whether the ROM file is missing.

When the process has finished you will see a screen similar to the one below showing all of the emulations available.

Loading a Single Game

MFME also allows you to load in a single emulation rather than waiting for the game manager to scan your directories. LEFT click the 'File' menu and then 'Load Game' menu item. This will show a file open screen from where you can select the .gam file for a layout.

After the intialisation has finished the emulation will be ready for play. At this point the emulation should be in 'attract' mod, indicated by the lamps on the machine flashing.

Inserting Coins

The method of inserting coins will depend on how the author has programmed the emulation. You therefore may need to try both of the following techniques :

Clicking the Coin Mechanism - Hover your mouse pointer over the coin mechanism (below). Clicking on the LEFT mouse button will usually insert a pound.

Use the keyboard - Using the keyboard it is usually possible to insert a pound by pressing the '0' (zero) key. The author may have set up other keys for different denominations, you will need to check the accompanying README file within the ZIP file for details of these.

Pressing the buttons

As with inserting coins the method for pressing the buttons will depend on how the author has programmed the emulation.

Clicking the buttons themselves - This is an easy one to test! After inserting some coins simply hover your mouse pointer over the START button for the machine and LEFT click it. If the reels spin then you will be able to press all of the buttons. Some people see this as the most authentic method of play. This is often referred to as 'mouse play'.

Use the keyboard - Keyboard play is possible with all emulations. After inserting coins use the keys below to play the machine. For non-standard buttons, ie, features, we would advise that you check any README file within the ZIP file for the emulation.

Spacebar - START

1 - Hold/Nudge 1st Reel

2 - Hold/Nudge 2nd Reel

3 - Hold/Nudge 3rd Reel

4 - Hold/Nudge 4th Reel (if applicable)

E - Exchange

C - Collect

` - Cancel

Configuration Settings

There are a couple of settings within JPeMu that can be adjusted :


The DIP Switches will adjust the amount per play, Jackpot amount and whether cash pots on club machines are fixed at the Jackpot amount. The actual settings will differ from machine to machine so no advice can be given for how to set them. Make a note of the switch positions before you change them so that you can restore them in the event that your changes do not work correctly.

The Speed settings can either be set to 'Auto', where JPeMu will try to set an optimum speed, or set manually. If the emulation is running too fast then make the figure higher, if it is too slow make the figure lower. Do not make the figure too low otherwise this can prevent the emulation from running at all.

Using BFMulator

Posted duplu on 20 February 2010 - 09:50 PM in FME and Emulator Tutorials

Version : 2.04 Test Version

Emulator Author : Re-Animator

Supported Techs : Scorpion 1, Scorpion 2

The BFMulator is used to run machines originally manufactured by Bellfruit (BFM). The emulator is unique in that it can run emulations directly from ZIP files and also allows layouts to be scrolled if they are bigger than the current screen resolution. The following documentation assumes that you have installed the BFMulator via a full installation of FMEIW (Fruit Machine Emulator Installation Wizard). If you have not used FMEIW then we recommend that you re-install all your emulators via this method as it will check your system for required files and will also set various parameters correctly.

Starting the Emulator

LEFT click the START menu and then choose the 'Programs' menu item (All programs on Windows XP). From the resulting menu LEFT click 'Fruit Machine Emulation' and then ' BFMulator - Bellfruit MPU Emulator'.

The emulator will now load and you will be left with the screen below.

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Loading an Emulation

There are two methods of loading an emulation into BFMulator. You can either drag and drop a ZIP file directly onto the BFMulator screen or open a layout via the 'Project' menu. The method you use is purely a personal preference and has no bearing on how the emulation functions.

For ease of use it is recommended that you store your layouts in the directory C:Program FilesFruit Machine EmulationBFMulatorLayouts. This directory will be automatically created by the installation of FMEIW and is also the default directory that will be browsed by BFMulator when you are loading layouts.

Loading an Emulation - Drag and Drop Method

This is by far the easiest method to load a layout into the BFMulator. For this to work you must ensure that the ZIP file contains both the layout and the required ROMs and that these are not contained within any sub-directories.

Open a Windows Explorer windows in the directory that your layouts are stored in. Scroll the screen until the layout you want to load is in view. Now LEFT click and hold the layout whilst dragging it over the BFMulator window as in the example below.

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Loading an Emulation - via the 'Project' menu

This method allows you to run emulations directly from a ZIP file and also allows you to run layouts that have been unzipped. For whichever method you are using ensure that both the layout and the required ROMs are present and that these are not contained within any sub-directories.

LEFT click the 'Project' menu item and then 'Load game'. This will open a dialogue box prompting you to select the emulation to load. The dialogue will show ZIP files and also file with a .gam extension (these are BFMulator unzipped layout files).

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LEFT click the name of the file you want to load and then click the 'Open' button.

Load Messages

Once you have either dragged and dropped a ZIP file onto BFMulator or opened a ZIP file you will see the following alert. It's not important whether you click 'Yes' or 'No'.

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Clicking 'Yes' will show you a loading window (as below) and clicking 'No' doesn't show the window.

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Error Messages

If you see the alert displayed below then this indicates that the file you are trying to load is not for the BFMulator. This is most commonly caused when you try to load a file meant for MFME (Multiple Fruit Machine Emulator) into the BFMulator (they both have the same layout extension .gam).

Posted Image

The following alert is not an error as such. It simply indicates that there is no RAM file for the machine you are going to play. This means that the machine will play from a factory reset. You should only see this message once the very first time you load a machine. If you see this message every time you load a machine then this indicates that the machine state is not being saved because you have no RAM directory set. If you have installed BFMulator via FMEIW then you will never see this alert.

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Playing your Emulation

All being well your emulation should have now loaded and will begin to initialize. As the emulations are created from true fruit machine ROMs the emulation will go through the same initialisation routines as a proper fruit machine would.

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Firstly the ROM and then the RAM will be initialised, after this the emulation will be ready for play. At this point the emulation should be in 'attract' mod, indicated by the lamps on the machine flashing.

Inserting Coins

The method of inserting coins will depend on how the author has programmed the emulation. You therefore may need to try both of the following techniques :

Clicking the Coin Mechanism - Hover your mouse pointer over the coin mechanism (below). Clicking on the RIGHT mouse button will cycle through different denominations (ie, £1, 50p, 20p and 5p). Clicking on the LEFT mouse button will insert a coin of the currently selected domination.

Posted Image

Use the keyboard - Using the keyboard it is usually possible to insert a pound by pressing the '0' (zero) key. The author may have set up other keys for different denominations, you will need to check the accompanying README file within the ZIP file for details of these.

Pressing the buttons

As with inserting coins the method for pressing the buttons will depend on how the author has programmed the emulation.

Clicking the buttons themselves - This is an easy one to test! After inserting some coins simply hover your mouse pointer over the START button for the machine and LEFT click it. If the button depresses and the reels spin then you will be able to press all of the buttons. Some people see this as the most authentic method of play. This is often referred to as 'mouse play'.

Use the keyboard - Keyboard play is possible with all emulations. After inserting coins use the keys below to play the machine. For non-standard buttons, ie, features, we would advise that you check any README file within the ZIP file for the emulation.

S or Spacebar - START

1 - Hold/Nudge 1st Reel

2 - Hold/Nudge 2nd Reel

3 - Hold/Nudge 3rd Reel

4 - Hold/Nudge 4th Reel (if applicable)

E - Stop/Exchange

C - Collect/Cancel

Configuration Settings

There are quite alot of settings that can be adjusted within the BFMulator. The ones detailed below are the most commonly adjusted settings :

Project - Reset Machine

This will reset the machine as if you had just loaded it. You can use this if the emulation gets stuck. This does not perform a factory reset of the machine. To perform a factory reset you must delete the machine RAM file located in the RAM file directory.

Advanced - Emulator Settings - MPU/Catridge(s)

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CPU emulation settings
- These sliders control how fast or slow the emulation is running. Adjust the sliders left or right depending on whether the emulation is running too fast or too slow.

Save RAM files to - This is the full directory path on your PC where the RAM files will be saved. This is set automatically via FMEIW if you used this to install the emulators. If this field is blank then BFMulator will be unable to save the RAM for a machine and it will play from factory reset every time you load it. This location can be changed to any folder in your PC.

Layout files - This is the directory path on your PC where your layout files are stored. This is the directory that will be shown by default if you use the 'Project' menu method to load your layouts. If you have used FMEIW to install your emulators then this path will point to the directory 'C:Program FilesFruit Machine EmulationBFMulatorLayouts'.

Advanced - Emulator Settings - Reels


Use motion blue on reels - Untick this option on very slow PCs to disable the blur when the reels are spinning.

Advanced - Emulator Settings - Misc


Use Bitmapbuffer - Untick this option if your emulation is running extremely slowly.

I.O.U when the machine pays out

Posted hurtand165 on 20 February 2010 - 06:11 PM in Knowledgebase


When you go to collect your money the machine shows an I.O.U message on the alpha.


The layout has the wrong hopper settings.


Tick the back door check box that is located in the top left of the screen, then click options from the top of the screen to open up the configuration menu. Now find the hoppers section that is near the top left of the menu and untick the £1 and 20p hoppers, now tick the casino hopper and press ok. Finally untick the back door checkbox, the game should reset itself and the machine should pay out and play normally.

I've read all the guides but still can't suss it.

Posted ady on 09 April 2012 - 06:43 AM in FME and Emulator Tutorials

We see it time and time again, a new member comes along and a million questions are asked.

The answer is usually the same "I have read them all but it still don't work"

New members obviously want to just play therefore I created this simple guide to allow you to get a single layout running and to give you a basic idea.

Hopefully this will work in par with the other guides you'll find here and let you see how easy it really is to load 'n play the layouts.

I have saved it as a WMV file....I suggest if you use it pause each frame and follow the instructions.

You may also find this very useful http://www.fruit-emu...-fruit-machine/

Attached File(s)