File Information
- Submitted: Nov 03 2006 08:59 PM
- Last Updated: Feb 11 2013 11:40 PM
- File Size: 2.2MB
- Views: 5870
- Downloads: 1590
Previous Versions
Download Monopoly Deluxe 1280 DX
Following the release of version 2.0 of MFME, it was discovered that there was an emulation bug that causes M1 based machines with tube payouts to pay cash wins in increments of 20p. This has been fixed in version 2.1 of MFME, unfortunately this version is not yet publicly available. As it has been some time since the last MFME release and v2.1 appears to be indefinitely delayed, we have decided to release this update to Deluxe Monopoly which was completed earlier this year. So here it is, an update to o?ne of our top favourite Maygay machines for MFMEv2.0, including a makeover to bring it in line with later releases such as Gladiators/Noels House Party. There are also a number of fixes to the original release, for example the missing HI/LO top glass lamps have been implemented. A full list of changes appears below. We hope you enjoy this release - now available from fruit-emu!
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Still the ROMs are separate - couldn't they have been included in the ZIP file before upping?