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  • Submitted: Nov 03 2006 08:59 PM
  • Last Updated: Dec 03 2014 02:42 PM
  • File Size: 4.96MB
  • Views: 6287
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  • 03 Dec 2014 Download Club Money (ACE) 1280 DX
  • 03 Nov 2006 Download Club Money (ACE) 1280 DX

Download Club Money (ACE) 1280 DX

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A rare event indeed from me, a layout releaseA DX for an ACE club machine called Club Money, with a ?100 Jackpot.It is my intention to release a DX for every club machine that I played whilst growing up. This is one such machine from four in total, so only about another 8 years to go before all four are released In situ for one season, this machine was quite a departure from the machine that was in the club before it, Solid Silver 60. The sounds were a lot more basic and gameplay was significantly slower.There appeared to be limited options when playing this machine. Although at first glance (and when you first play it) you could be forgiven for thinking that this is a machine that does not pay well, there are a number of features that can pay very well indeed. For example the fruit pot (when full) will spin a 3 or 4 of a kind win for each lit symbol, which when the single bar is lit can mean a very nice return. Also the Club Money chance gives you an all or nothing shot at the pot (there doesnt seem much point collecting the ?2.40 or less when a nice pot is on offer) and the Money Trail, whilst often offering 20p, can gamble high on the cash ladder.My experience of this machine was that it liked to save. Cash gambles tended to stop at ?20 max before losing (although ?50 was seen once) and most features did not pay much back. Aside from the rarer Club Money pot and even rarer Fruit Pot, little seemed to happen. However one day this all changed when the machine suddenly decided it was time to roll in some high wins, and over the course of two days four double bars rolled in, three triple bars and four single bars. This was accompanied by a ?40 Club Money pot, a couple of full Fruit Pots and some nice ?5-8 wins on Money Go Round. I dont claim all this went to one player (certainly not me) but it did serve as proof that the machine was saving a large pot in the background. Overall a good machine, but not as fun to play IMHO as Solid Silver.This layout has been created from a flyer as source material, therefore it is far from fantastic, but I have done what I could with it, as far as enthusiasm allowed. To create the lamps this layout uses a widely used technique called black masking. To be honest I am not a fan of this technique particularly, but on flyer layouts it is a good way to achieve a reasonable result. I always wanted to have a go with it and see if it was in any way difficult to do, I was at a loose end early last year so decided to give it a shot This is the end result.Originally created during the early part of 2005, I held off releasing it for a while due to the random reset bug that System 1 emulation had in MFME2, and to be honest I forgot about the layout also I am pleased to say this bug is now fixed in MFME3.2 or later, so MFME3.2 is the recommended emulator of choice for this layout. Around the time I originally planned to release this Pook also announced he was working on it (and released it), so this coupled with the fact that the machine didnt work properly in the emulator meant that I kind of forgot about it until more recently (indeed the artwork on the layout is dated April 2005).Like I say the source art wasnt the best so dont expect a Rolls Royce layout in terms of quality, but it has turned out ok. Note that this layout may still not be 100% functional in MFME3.2, things happen in test mode that dont seem to in real mode, therefore the layout is released as is, I do not claim it is 100% finished or working, but should be functional enough. Unfortunately I do not have a real machine to compare it with.Things I am not particularly happy with:1. Reels, these are from the classic and are unedited, I did not have access to the original symbols to improve these further. This is not helped by the fact that the real machine used tube lighting, therefore no reel lamps is not an emulation failing.2. Feature text3. Some high contrast pixel crawl apparent with the cash trail4. Possible overburn on Fruit Pot symbols5. Transparency on the CLUB MONEY trail is not perfectAs I dont anticipate having the time to tinker with this layout further in the near future prior to a release, I am releasing as is. I may however of course return to this layout in future to update it.I hope you enjoy this almost 100% layoutIf you find any additional problems, please post them at www.fruitemu.co.uk and I will bear them in mind for future updates.I would like to thank Pete_W and Dialtone for the original classic layout that this DX was based on, Wizard/Dialtone for the MFME emulator and also Wizard for fixing the System 1 reset bug that left this machine partially unplayable. *edit now includes the rom

Thanks. :-) 

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