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  • Submitted: Mar 21 2010 03:02 PM
  • Last Updated: Mar 21 2010 03:18 PM
  • File Size: 2.13MB
  • Views: 101646
  • Downloads: 610

Download Chances Unlimited 1600 DX

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Here's the 1600 DX I've been working on for Barcrest's MPU3 classic Chances Unlimited. One of the tightest, and most frustrating MPU3's going, but with the miracle that is, "emulation" it can at least be tamed a bit. :) It's had £150 put in, with little taken out so it's going to play as good as it ever is.

Best played using MFME3.2. Especially if you can't get the full resolution of 1600x1200.

The shortcuts are as follows:

Exchange For Cash - C
Exchange For Nudges - N
Exchange For Super Series - S
Press To Nudge Up - U
Hold/Nudge 1 - 1
Hold/Nudge 2 - 2
Hold/Nudge 3 - 3
Start/Collect - Space
Auto Nudge - A
Cancel - `
Gamble - G
50p Insert 0
20p Insert - 9
10p Insert - 8
10p Token Insert - 7

People who I would like to thank for this layout, are

Mike, for the redrawn cabinet which I used. Pete, for the DX he did, which I used to base this DX on. And also the Line-Up reel bands which I used. stevelancett, for the picture which were used to do this DX. And also Superbank, for testing. :)

Many thanks for an excellent machine.....youth here i come!

Special layout...thank-you very very much Ploggy.
thank you
Thanks for this Ploggy.
Many thanks for this old classic Ploggy nice work! B)
nice one, love these mpu3 machines. would love to see a real good exchanges unlimited.

execellent job m8!! top bananna
Thank you these oldies are much more fun :)
Exchanges is in the pipeline. As is a 1600 version of Line-Up, as well, eventually. And possibly Adders & Ladders. :)

Excellent emu thank you for your great work

Thank you, really enjoyable.

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