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- Submitted: May 31 2011 07:13 AM
- Last Updated: May 31 2011 08:34 AM
- File Size: 6.63MB
- Views: 24018
- Downloads: 2343
Download Club Psycho Cash Beast Wdx

A Wdx of a decent clubber by barcrest,thought it could do with an update,theres to much going on with the features to even attempt to make this at 1024 res so 1280 it is.Thanks to mr house for the massive flyer he scanned for me,which made the line removal process a little easier.Also thanks to fuzion for pointing out a good match for the hidden lamps and fuat for the original dx for the lamp numbers etc.Ps,i can't seem to get the meters to work but it don't make no difference to the game play,shortcuts for this layout are as normal then...............
P = Psycho Play
B = Bonus
N = nudges
Then the zones are...
Zone 1 = Num Lock 1
Zone 2 = Num Lock 2
Zone 3 = Num Lock 3 etc continuing to num lock 6.
P = Psycho Play
B = Bonus
N = nudges
Then the zones are...
Zone 1 = Num Lock 1
Zone 2 = Num Lock 2
Zone 3 = Num Lock 3 etc continuing to num lock 6.


do you know i still havnt won a jackpot on a £250 fruity ,well maybe 1 day 

- morrison23 likes this
nice one thanks!! 

do you know i still havnt won a jackpot on a £250 fruity ,well maybe 1 day
just dont take any wins n eventually it will flashhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh jp yippppeeeeeeeeeeeee
Great download this one, used to play this alot a few years back! Thanks.
great machine 5*
Just won the £250 on this via final zone.. first time I've actually won a club jackpot! And I've been playing these things for years.
Now.. if only I could do that for real.... :|
Now.. if only I could do that for real.... :|
Really wish I could get this to work. I am a noob at this and It seems mfme 3 you get in the instalation wizard pack may not be correct get the image of machine but nothing happens. Tutorials are all either too basic or too old i used to run these about 4 years ago. Now things have changed a bit as I have no clue what MFME 9.x is. Looks amazing though.
Right ok got them all working now just needed later mfme -.- Fantastic Machine thank you. Any help to get machine to run at correct speed with mfme v10 would be appriciated though. Cant seem to find the cpu snap thing version 2 had.
komo se ace para poder jugar¿?
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