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  • Submitted: Oct 19 2011 07:57 AM
  • Last Updated: Oct 19 2011 07:57 AM
  • File Size: 4.45MB
  • Views: 20570
  • Downloads: 882

Download Mazooma's Rovers Return 1280DX 1.0

* * * * * 2 Votes

Here is a door open newish machine from mazooma called rovers return, it's a 1280DX and has been a total pain in the ass to do. I started it back in 2009 and have just never got round to finishing it due to the problems with the flyer etc. The flyer had several bits that was not correct with what the roms wanted to do so had to move them on the flyer before I could even make a start on it. After that I had problems finding the lamps as they also didn't want to play ball, then the shortcuts would not work so had to use different buttons on this and it runs best in MFME 10.1a

I want to thanks tommy c for his help with the bonus lamping and HT6 for his help with the shortcuts and anyone else that helped out. There is a info text file in the folder which has all the extra shortcuts in.

Normal shortcut keys +
Step number - z
Bar shots - X
feature Hi/lo - numpad 7/1
Super board hi/lo - numpad 8/2
Cash hi/lo numpad - 9/3

Any errors or problems feel free to PM me, thanks.

can you make this 1024 ????
y dont u adjust ur screen resolution to landscape because thats what ive done and thanks robinhood75 for making so good machines
Rated,first time ive used it the stars chart
Nov 04 2011 12:10 AM
Thanks tommy
nice, cant you get it without open door mode thoe?
this game doesnt load or work at all. what a waste of time.
can this be done as a lappy 2 plz?

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