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  • Submitted: Jun 24 2014 08:59 PM
  • Last Updated: Jun 24 2014 08:59 PM
  • File Size: 3.43MB
  • Views: 3497
  • Downloads: 327

Download Club Tutti Frutti 1024Wdx (Mute)

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      This will only play in Mfme9.4!!!!!!
Here is the next release from me in the form of a club machine called Tutti Fruitti, firstly I must thank Douga1 for the classic layout and to Pook for the flyer scan he uploaded. Two things about this wdx unfortunately the layout is a bit blurry on the base part of the machine I think it's due to the flyer quality and secondly the layout is still a mute one like the classic before it, hopefully the sounds will turn up soon for it. Both problems don,t really affect the gameplay as the main part 'the feature board' is fairly readable.
The reels are supposed to be black but made em white with a dark looking mask on them.
The shortcuts are-
Start = spacebar
Collect = C
Exchange = E
Holds = 1,2,3,4
Hi = 2
Lo = 3
Cancel = ` ,
and the Wheel of Fortune button is also Spacebar like the start button but this will only flash when awarded that feature.
 Again only play this in mfme9.4!!!!
     ENJOY and HAPPY GAMING!!!!!!

Also forgot to mention when,you get the bonus- step up or down let it tine out as you can't stop it for some unknown reason. Think that's all for now!

Nice one


Thank you.

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