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- Submitted: Jul 24 2014 07:34 PM
- Last Updated: Jul 24 2014 07:34 PM
- File Size: 3.45MB
- Views: 3239
- Downloads: 236
Download Trick or Treat (global) £5 1024Wdx

Halloween's come early to FME land in this machine Trick or Treat...
Thanks go out to Hitthesix for the classic layout and the photo's pm'ed to me ages ago.
to jackpottyforums for the "on" image of this machine which was useful for the on positioning of the lamps etc.
to Ploggy for the correct reel bands
and to tommy for trying to find the fonts for the cash decals.
and to Google for the ghoulies on the sideart lol.
Now onto the layout. The features afaik the features are light by the eyes etc but not sure if they're in the correct order but look ok.
the dual lamping of the trick or treat logo the second lamp when lit then unlit shows a bit through in places not sure how to rectify this unless I get both lamps pixel perfect in masking, but doesn't affect the game. Apart from that it all appears to play ok even though its a tight machine, sometimes it says "super" when you get the feature board but don't appear to be a IM board.
Shortcuts are -
Start = spacebar
Holds = 1,2,3
Cancel/Collect = `
Trick = T
Treat = Y
£££'s in = 0
Plays in Mfme 10.1 not in mfme9.4 this does play in 3.2 but the dual lamps "show through more" so mfme10.1 is better.
think that's everything lol.
I may do the £2 and £15 versions at a later date only the decals need rewriting and the T n T logo to redo.
Thanks go out to Hitthesix for the classic layout and the photo's pm'ed to me ages ago.
to jackpottyforums for the "on" image of this machine which was useful for the on positioning of the lamps etc.
to Ploggy for the correct reel bands
and to tommy for trying to find the fonts for the cash decals.
and to Google for the ghoulies on the sideart lol.
Now onto the layout. The features afaik the features are light by the eyes etc but not sure if they're in the correct order but look ok.
the dual lamping of the trick or treat logo the second lamp when lit then unlit shows a bit through in places not sure how to rectify this unless I get both lamps pixel perfect in masking, but doesn't affect the game. Apart from that it all appears to play ok even though its a tight machine, sometimes it says "super" when you get the feature board but don't appear to be a IM board.
Shortcuts are -
Start = spacebar
Holds = 1,2,3
Cancel/Collect = `
Trick = T
Treat = Y
£££'s in = 0
Plays in Mfme 10.1 not in mfme9.4 this does play in 3.2 but the dual lamps "show through more" so mfme10.1 is better.
think that's everything lol.
I may do the £2 and £15 versions at a later date only the decals need rewriting and the T n T logo to redo.
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Bing (1)
looks good mate