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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Oct 24 2015 07:38 PM
  • Last Updated: Oct 24 2015 07:38 PM
  • File Size: 1.13MB
  • Views: 2059
  • Downloads: 56

Download Maygay's CashLines £10 Classic layout

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Here is a Classic layout by Maygay called Cash Lines not sure what it's supposed to look like but it has similar features etc to money,money,money so based it on that machine. The "E" on the feature trail appears to stay on, maybe its not included on the actual machine as the "E" adds the numbers on the reels to the seven seg.
  Thanks goto Hitthesix for this layout which he basically started in his unfinished wip topic, and advice on the sevenseg numbers.
 He also states the sounds are not for this layout but are a near enough match!!
 Shortcuts are -
 Start = Spacebar
 Exchange = E
 Collect = C
 Holds = 1,2,3
 Cancel = `
 Swap Features = S
 £££'s in = 0
 Plays in Mfme's 2.0 through to 9.4
  Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!

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