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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Nov 29 2016 11:56 AM
  • Last Updated: Nov 29 2016 11:56 AM
  • File Size: 5.18MB
  • Views: 21783
  • Downloads: 990
  • Layout Size: 800 x 600

Download The Simpsons Beer Guide Wdx

* * * * - 13 Votes


Here's a dx of the popular simpsons beer guide machine,this is a mixture of a huge flyer that was sent to me,photos and some redrawing in places.Hope you enjoy it.Thanks got to wizard for mfme v5, statto for the photo's samson for the first flyer and thanks to the supplier of the huge flyer etc also. I've checked and double checked to make sure every lamp is accounted for so should be error free.
All shortcuts are a usual,please note this is a large dx so be sure tick tick shrink to fit in the preferences


Absolutely awesome! It has been so long since I saw and played this one I'd forgotten it! Thank you

Excellent!! Just like Spartacash, it has that "another pound" element about it. Many thank you's :)

Entertaining game to play. Great effort on the DX. One minor quibble, which is so minor, I almost wonder why I'm bothering to mention it. Some of the coins toward the top of the donut/cash matrix are lamped in the incorrect positions. This will become evident on the line up and particularly stagger home features off the red lines. On the left and right side some of the top coins are on the reverse sides to what they should be. This ironically does give a feel of staggering around on the feature stagger home, but I'm 99% sure the skill was just straight up and down on left, then middle then right. Line up can also throw out some bizarre patterns with 'disjointed' coins appearing. 

Anyway that's far too many words for me to waffle on about lamping positions, as now it makes my posting look majorly critical and of course that is not the intention because I'd like to convery how fantastic that MFME has come this far and what a great game to be able to emulate. Overall a very neat layout, everything faithful to the original (pretty much). Very good stuff. 

ty awesome fruity

got to have the all simpsons in the collection! - thanks

looks fantastic Tommy !! thank you ;)

Thank you

its saying i need a layout file? O.o 

Why does this and the barrest Aliens one say " layout missing" for me?

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