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  • Submitted: Jan 08 2017 05:20 PM
  • Last Updated: Jan 08 2017 05:20 PM
  • File Size: 1.36MB
  • Views: 3491
  • Downloads: 155

Download Super Each Way Shuffle DX 1.0

* * * * * 1 Votes


Here's a DX for my very first SRU machine emulated on MFME, which is called Super Each Way Shuffle.  One of the all-time classic JPM nudgers from the early eighties.  This is the red, 'Super' version, which is set to £2/10p.  The original version of this was the blue, £1/5p version.
Massive thanks for this goes out to the following people:
Decaff:  For reel images.
Jonno:  For roms, and also testing work.
JPMStu:  For pictures.
SteveP:  For advice, and testing work.
superbank:  For testing work. 
Wizard:  For MFME, and SRU emulation. :)
Shortcuts are as follows:
Cancel/Gamble - ` or G
Nudge Up - N or U
Hold/Nudge 1 - 1
Hold/Nudge 2 - 2
Hold/Nudge 3 - 3
Start/Collect - Space or C
Shuffle - S
Feature Stop - F
10p Cash Insert - 0
10p Token Insert - 9
50p Cash Insert - 8

Can't get it to work. It comes on in MFME5 but won't let you put any coins in.

ezeeee Ploggy, Im having a issue. Loaded game in MFME 5 cant load any cash up at all using 0 9 or 8.

Can't get it to work. It comes on in MFME5 but won't let you put any coins in.

ezeeee Banditcrazy, Just tried MFME 5.1 and it works fine and you can LOAD CASH :) Thought i would just give you a heads up. :)

I didn't realise it had issues on MFME5.  If I knew that, I would have mentioned it in the release thread.  Make sure you use MFME5.1 :)

Thanks for this classic

Thank you.

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