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- Submitted: May 18 2018 12:06 AM
- Last Updated: May 18 2018 12:06 AM
- File Size: 3.13MB
- Views: 3340
- Downloads: 109
- Layout Size: N/A
Download The Italian Job (2) - Epoch £15, 30p 80%

Here's The Italian Job by Maygay. Commonly referred to as Italian Job 2, but I don't believe that is the machines actual name.
It an Epoch machine. Set on 30p play, £15 and 80%.
Shortcuts are in the notes, but here also, 0= inset £1, 1-3 = Holds, ' = cancel, space = start, e=exchange, c=collect, h=take cash, f=take feature, n=collect nudges, Collect Cash Knockouts = K
Collect Feature Knockouts = T
Thanks to whoever provided the roms. Nickyerpesos for the Project Amber layout that gave me some info. Vecs for the reels from IJ3 and whoever provided the reels in the first place. Wizard for MFME.
You may get a font missing message, Invite SF font. it is in the attachment if you don't already have it. It is used in the machine name, but doesn't look too bad without it anyway.
No known issues with the machine, best thing about it is probably the sound though.
Hopefully a DX of it one day, as Ross looks to have started one. See to post on this link. https://www.fruitemu...ian#entry284249
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