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- Submitted: Feb 08 2019 09:03 PM
- Last Updated: Feb 08 2019 09:05 PM
- File Size: 12.45MB
- Views: 3701
- Downloads: 183
Previous Versions
Download Cops n Robbers Safe Cracker £5/10p Wdx 6.1

A quick layout from me tonight, well 2 hours to be precise
Its the turn of the £5 version of safe cracker.
This came to be as i found a few images on ebay for the £5 machine this morning whilst at work, so i cut and copied the decals (which if you goto my albums or front page you'll see they weren't the normal red looking ones as are in the £25 version but good enough for this).
Same notes as are in the £25 version!!!
Thanks Goto Andy-1 for his classic's and the Dx prior to this, and his permission to allow me to carry on with this version.
To Richy1976 for the flyer he sent me.
This layout uses the same safe cracker button and the same way of doing it as its predecessor. The main button is the "collect hidden feature" button and the two arrows either side are the Left/Right rotate, although it doesn,t appear to work that well. If you do have two choices luckily it'll flash the relevant colours so you'll just have to collect what you want when it flashes first time, the button i made isn.t the original its just something i styled around the image i had.
Shortcuts are-
Start = Spacebar
Transfer = T (But doesn't work on this machine due to the notey only gives change!!!)
Exchange, for feature board/hidden features = E
Holds = 1,2,3
Hi = 2, Lo = 3
Collect = C
Cancel = `
Safecracker button = S
Left = < ,
Right = > .
The Notey doesn't work but it'll still eat your notes, the shortcuts are the usual 7,8,& 9
£££'s in = 0
Enjoy and Happy Gaming
Thank you Vectra
- vectra666 likes this
If you like this then why not download the £25 version of this
Thanks again.
- vectra666 likes this
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Thank you for the fantastic layout.