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  • Submitted: Nov 03 2006 08:59 PM
  • Last Updated: Feb 24 2013 08:05 PM
  • File Size: 4.61MB
  • Views: 2986
  • Downloads: 1285

Previous Versions

  • 03 Nov 2006 Download Place Your Bets 1280 WDX

Download Place Your Bets 1280 WDX

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This is my second layout ever, and is a personal favorite. I created this layout as i used to play this religously years ago. So i decided to glam it up a bit. The original i used to play was housed in a green cab so after cleaning all the lines off the flyer i rehoused the machine in the old slim style green cab. I added some perspective to the lower glass by scewing it. After fixing a few problems with the original DX, I added the Side art, which can be minimized out of the way, for those who dont like it. There are known issues with this layout and previous layouts of this machine. Firstly when selecting nudge bets, all the lights are lit and you wont be able to tell how many nudges you have. This is because on the real machine, the highlighted nudge is lit, and the others are dim and the Emulator doesnt know thew difference between lit and dim. The second issue is the ?8 light in attract mode sometimes flashes and then doesnt, it works 100% while playing though, so not really a big problem. Thanks to Chee

Amazing playing this in MFMEv5 now that the dimmed lamps are on the go!!

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