File Information
- Submitted: Jan 25 2010 04:12 PM
- Last Updated: Jan 25 2010 04:12 PM
- File Size: 7.07MB
- Views: 60708
- Downloads: 14967
- Approved by: banditboy2006
- Approved on: 05 October 2020 - 04:44 PM
Avast, malwarebytes saying the same thing...???????
avg says this is a virus and keeps deleting it
It's not.
why do i get layout file not found on this emulator
thankyou much apreciated
seems missing v5, looking around it seems that quite a few roms need v5 to run, other versions of mfme won't load the rom and fail with 'invalid stream format'. Cheers
Doesn't include 5 which is probably what most are looking for.
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