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jacksdad2007 → jamespir
hey there i wonder if u cud help me use this site i havent a clue on how to use this site i mean i went to forum and tried to navigate my self through it and i cudnt find anything to say how to use these fruit machines i tried finding out for myself and still no luck wonder if theres any way u cud help me i have messenger if thats any good
Aug 13 2008 01:43 PM
sweethelen → todd1970
have given u $500 as leaving gift as im leaving group take care
Aug 11 2008 10:54 PM
30.7.08 00:27 my baby girl was born! she weighed 10 pound 13! she very special! cutest baby on this planet!
Aug 11 2008 01:24 AM
ive downloaded party time club but it takes ages to load and ages 4 the reels 2 spin im using mfme v 9.4 is this the right one 2 use any help much apprechited thank jay jay
Aug 10 2008 12:02 AM
Hi sorry i have been away for a bit .U have verison 7 of rollercoaster that what rc7 is off the top of my head rc13 or 14 was last version.TBO u may have a hacked rom set in your machine be4 the the nemesis dose the machine always stop on that ? or the last two @ the top and never win a jackpot. Just to ask too is the machine £8/10/15 and your roms on the Processor card/Programme card .Are they the factory ones with the green stamp on them or has some1 writen on them. So many vogue machines got hack roms running in them it`s unreal.
Aug 07 2008 11:13 PM