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bladefan2 → hitthesix
evening - long time and all that - how's you? i'm on msn for next hour if you're on too
Jul 04 2008 09:42 PM
jamesb99_1999 → peter d
Hi Peter - welcome to the site you shouldn't pay for anything from reels of fun - basically there are thousands of free machines on here and even free S16/B3 type slotto machines - look through the files in download cow on the left for elvis/ rainbow riches etc. The whole philosophy of this site used to be about free games now they recommend people buy these reelsoffun games which all use the same code and were written in about 5 minutes.. Remember there are lots of free games - do not pay for them!!! Take care, James
Jul 03 2008 08:53 PM
→ alexmortimer
It says you haven't made any friends yet, so i'll be your friend. Big softy that I am.
Jul 03 2008 12:49 PM
hiya demon, you may need to alter the speeds mate, do you actually see the images of the machine on your screen?
Jun 22 2008 01:00 PM