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Dec 28 2011 01:30 AM
2 hours kip fresh as fck had a top nite up irlam rsvp bar or summit love chatting to new people. few firing nurses in there ie my blood 1 got well looked after lmao bring on the next bender in 2 days love it oushhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Dec 27 2011 09:17 AM
Feel 18 again head spinning like fck when I put my head on the pillar sorry love I can't kiss u I might throw up all over your dannys see u tomoz
Dec 27 2011 05:49 AM
Top nite too many paranoid people in the world though and blokes act like women got fcking nails and shaved eyebrows and shit. fck me I look in the mirror when I have a shave that's it.if u keep getting on paras with your woman she gonna leave u so get a grip u bunch of fags grow a dick not a minge and treat her nice otherwise she will backdoor it.seen at least 2 blokes hitting women tonite winds me the fck up if I ever see u in my car will run u the fck over u sick twats pick on a man not a...
Dec 27 2011 02:18 AM
In the rsvp in irlam top night 4 to 1 women on 1 lad savis loving it gonna be some messy pictures on her tomoz oushhhhhh
Dec 26 2011 11:11 PM
This Is The Facebook Hacker
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How Many Slaps Can He Get? :D
1 Like = 100,000 Slaps
Dec 26 2011 06:02 PM
Why do SOME football fans have no regard for their own safety or the safety of other road users?
Dec 26 2011 05:00 PM