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What aload of crappy old repeats on over not so jolly christmas does someone on tv think we like RUBBISH yes please OH PISS off
Dec 17 2011 10:40 PM
Needs to return to magaluf in the very near future for more messy nights!
Dec 17 2011 10:39 PM
Just met a woman on the bus who cleans her minge with bleach..... Flash cunt
Dec 17 2011 07:36 PM
top film for all you romantics out there chalet girl proper tear jerker get on it
Dec 17 2011 04:32 PM
Matt Smith's latest excuse to tell his mum so he can nip out for a fag without her finding out: "The ISS is going over the house and I want to see it". Lol.
Dec 17 2011 12:53 AM
GAME ON! Come check out the awesome new Bouncing Balls contest available to you and your friends. Who thinks they can win a 16GB iPad2? Click here to try:
Dec 16 2011 06:45 PM
Found out why im billy NO MATES the answer is ME ME ME & if u dont like it TOUGH im going back under my rock HA HA
Dec 15 2011 08:28 PM