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Nathan Leigh Ann
is thinking: "I think thinking thinks thoughts that thoughts think they're thinking when I'm thinking ". I thought thoughts think, but I thought wrong.
Dec 02 2011 03:38 PM
Two bikers are sitting at a bar. One turns to his mate and pulls a face like a Jew presented with Hitler's Gas bill; "What's that smell?, you farted or shit yourself?"
The other biker doesn't miss a beat, "Shit myself."
"Ah Christ mate, why don't you go clean yourself up?"
Sipping his pint thoughtfully, his mate replies, "Haven't finished yet."
Dec 02 2011 06:15 AM
Dec 02 2011 06:47 PM
upstairs are definitely having a domestic. All I can hear is screaming and banging
Dec 02 2011 03:47 AM
Dec 02 2011 06:48 PM
this time tomorow night ill be in a bidding war for my #CPC2011 jumper! Bring it biaaaaaaaaaaatch
Dec 02 2011 12:26 AM
Nathan Leigh Ann
bus driver asks boy, "why are you carrying a cat?!" the boy says, "this morning i heard my dad tell my mom, "I'm gonna eat that pussy!"
Dec 01 2011 08:19 PM
Is watching the 2009 version of S.T.P's got talent haha! We've got Will Ratcliffe, Chris Morgan, Dan Morgan, Sam Bartlett and Jordan Dickstar singing! Gareth you lil drummer boy!
Dec 01 2011 02:10 PM
Sorry to trouble u people does anyone no what the current world record is for most wanks in a day?only had 14 yesterday.hands up has anyone had more in a 24 hour period that applys too women too.thx for your time
Dec 01 2011 07:48 AM
hmmm should i have #warmcustard or #coldcustard one of lifes biggest decisions
Dec 01 2011 05:07 AM
Nathan Leigh Ann
my ps3 is fucked it takes the disk the flahes like its gonna come back makes the noise but doent come out now im pissed
Nov 30 2011 11:46 PM
Life Truths:
1) You can't stick your tongue out & look up at the same time, it's a physical impossibility.
2) All idiots after reading number 1, tried it.
3) You discover number 1 is a lie.
4) You are smiling now because you are an idiot.
5) You will soon copy & paste this to catch other idiots.
6) There is still a stupid smile on your face. I sincerely apologize, but I'm an idiot too and I need company
Nov 30 2011 09:44 PM