Community Status Updates
DAILY CONTEST UPDATE: I am currently in 11425th place in Vitalyte Sports Nutrition's Bouncing Balls contest. There is still plenty of time to try and win a 16GB iPad2. Who thinks they can get a better score than me? Click here to try:
Nov 09 2011 04:13 AM
I'd consider distributing copyrighted content just to be labeled a Pirate. I would then begin to plunder many a vessel in deepest, darkest Somalia.
Nov 08 2011 07:41 PM
Not normally susceptible to chest infections. But this one picked up in Norfolk feels like I have a Shetland pony perched on my chest accompanied by a bit of a Barry white voice early doors this morning.
Nov 08 2011 08:26 AM
Leah Lovebug
It's your WEDDING DAY!!! Look to the left of your profile and use the first 8 friends. NO CHEATING!!!
Person you marry: Luke Jinx Hawkins
Best Man: Becky Harries
Maid of Honor: Harrison McIntosh
... Person who tries to stop you: Sian Deeming
Wedding Crasher: Rhian Jayne Devonald
The Priest: Shelley Lawrence
Eats all the Cake: Holly Kelso
Person who gets hammered and dances with everyone: Ben Griffiths
Nov 06 2011 09:58 PM
SizzAt → Константин Можейко
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Nov 06 2011 02:10 PM
My 5 year old son has got hold of my old iPhone I blanked off yesterday ready to sell. He has then secretly connected it up to my laptop and restored all the games and music on it and renamed it Arun Dutta-Plummers iPhone!
Kids are too bloody computer savvy these days!
Nov 05 2011 10:36 PM
He is only just six, I hope he puts his computer skills to good use one day
Nov 06 2011 01:47 AM