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No sound or Rom files ?

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#1 cbb1975


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Posted 28 April 2003 - 06:42 PM

Hi All

I am very new to Fruit Machine Emulators and am struggling at the moment to successfully load roms into both the MFME and Jpemu.

I am currenlty using XP and have followed all the guidance from the fruit-emu site and the emulators themselves seem to work fine. When I download a ROM for these emulators and unzip and then open from within the emulators I get error messages on the lines of no sound files or ROM files found. This then presents me with the image of the Fruit Machine but nothing seems to work. When I check what has been extracted there is indeed no ROM or sound files. Can someone point me in the right direction to getting these to work (oh by the way I can use the Indiana Jones game on the Jpemu emulator as the Rom download zip does seem to contain all the files.)

Sorry if this is a stupid problem.

Many thanks, CBB1975 :cry:

#2 duplu


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Posted 28 April 2003 - 07:14 PM

MFME works similarly to JPeMu. You need to download both a layout and the machine ROMs and then extract them into them same directory. You can then open with MFME and hey presto!

MFME actually includes a nifty game manager which will scan a directory and list all thee machines it can find.

As a start try Road Hog or Club Road Hog - These both work fine and have nice DX layouts.[/u]

No problems are stupid problems :D

#3 cbb1975


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Posted 28 April 2003 - 07:23 PM

Brilliant. Many thanks, got them working.

#4 duplu


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Posted 28 April 2003 - 07:37 PM

Glad to be of help - Now have fun picking from the 350 machines on the site!

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