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astra, Fortune Teller

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#1 Toma


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Posted 22 May 2007 - 08:36 PM

Has any body played on this machine? I have the chance of buying it but have never played on one, seen a pic of it and it does look anice machine.
Looked all on the web to find some info but alas no joy:bigeyes18:

Whats the game play like etc...

Any comments would be appreciated


#2 skabaz


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Posted 22 May 2007 - 08:54 PM

we had one in our arcade and it was quite popular but a bit boring.


#3 Nudgeman



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Posted 22 May 2007 - 11:09 PM

It's a TIC TAC TOE lo tech affair. It was quite an early effort from Astra and was around just before the three player original Party Time. Gameplay revolved around nudging/holding fruits for wins or attaining three red or blue crystal balls in view for the win streak. The big streaks came from the red crystal balls when it kept dropping in mixed mystery sevens.
Mixed sevens were £1, but mixed sevens with the special middle reel mystery 7 could give any win. The machine was unpredictable. It was in a brand new branch of Shipleys about six years ago, on a high percentage but it could be evil, other times it'd play ball. In that respect it'd probably have long term appeal as it's a large cycle, however it is a lo-tech and when you get your nth blue crystal ball streak for 3*£1 on mixed sevens, you may tire of it.

#4 stanmarsh14



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Posted 23 May 2007 - 05:48 AM

Can remember this one very well in the local branch of JEM Leisure on the high street here. Set to £15JP / 25p it did give some very good gameplay, & when it went batshit, it often used to go for around £80+

Was there for quite some time too (About 3 years), & one I often found myself on. Was quite sad when they removed it as according to their tech it was not taking enough cash, but then again with the amount of blown bulbs on it it was hardly a supprise.

For a lo-tec it's a very good machine, but problem is for you will depend on how much you like lo-tec's. Granted it's one step up from the likes of Bar-X etc, but even so it is still limited for features as already shown.

#5 Toma


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Posted 23 May 2007 - 08:09 PM

whats a good machine for features then on a low tech. i just like the look of the machines there like the las vegas casino machines but cant get one of them shipped over would cost a fortune!!

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