if your all fooled by some ugly spotty faced pilchard sitting by his pc conning you lot into thinking its a glamor model your all f*****g been ad.....
Daz, truly if this really is you then I apologise, but simply I dont buy it.
Fit birds do not post on websites such as these.
your picture looks like something from Airline Tickets Antiques Apartments Car Accessories Cell Phone Deals at Whatever.com
how much is your sister getting paid to be oggled at.
how much are your balls gonna hurt when your sister finds out.
Give me one good reason why I should believe you
Come on chaps we have had our fun..... Oh by the way Lucy Pinder has just arrived and is about to do a solo with my brother on sex nets.com dressed as a gorilla.
What can I do for you to put me in touch with Lucy - I like her long time.. You sort me out?? I will send you a koala bear if you do!!

PS - Tell Lucy Pinder I lover her (whoever she is)!