But that is the idea of random ---- Imagine 500,000 balls in a bag and everytime you press start you are allowed to pick 1 ball out of the bag, if that number is 1 then you win the jackpot.
Now before you press start again you must replace the ball into the bag, give them a good shake up and pick another ball.
Another one on a smaller scale - I take it you have seen DEAL OR NO DEAL, 22 sealed boxes that are randomly filled with the cash amounts by doing the same pick a ball out of a bag idea - then the contestants pick a ball out to chose their box for the game..... How many times do you see £250,000 on the table ?? --- and that's just using 22 boxes !!
But DOND is not random. There's some chap who puts the cash labels in the boxes and for all we know, picks whos game it is......