classic kids tv
Started by skegman0, Jun 13 2007 08:04 PM
53 replies to this topic
Posted 13 June 2007 - 08:04 PM
tiswas reunited. itv1 on Saturday June 16th 21.15 what a fantastic kids programme this was. really looking forward to watch some great moments with the original members chis tarrant, lenny henry, bob carolgees, john gorman, and the still lovely sally James .custard pie fight

Posted 13 June 2007 - 09:44 PM
"We'll sing the song...the bucket of water song".
I always remember the ITV announcer saying "It's Saturday, It's 9am...Do not adjust your TV set...It's TISWAS"...or something like that.
Such fond memories of TISWAS when I was a kid. Even then I was convinced a lot of the humour was adult & anarchic. Would love to see some of the sketches again.
...and Sally James in her black leather gear...Pwwwwwwhhhhhoooooarrrr!!!
Saturday morning presenters now??? Just Feck off!!!...lol
I always remember the ITV announcer saying "It's Saturday, It's 9am...Do not adjust your TV set...It's TISWAS"...or something like that.
Such fond memories of TISWAS when I was a kid. Even then I was convinced a lot of the humour was adult & anarchic. Would love to see some of the sketches again.
...and Sally James in her black leather gear...Pwwwwwwhhhhhoooooarrrr!!!
Saturday morning presenters now??? Just Feck off!!!...lol

<span style='font-family: Comic Sans MS'><span style='font-size: 12px;'>It's all done in the best possible taste.

Posted 13 June 2007 - 10:22 PM
Love it - Will be watching this for sure.
Separate subject on bringing shows back - How about one of the greats = Red Dwarf. Love to see that back on for another series - Long live Rimmer - Smeg Off.
Separate subject on bringing shows back - How about one of the greats = Red Dwarf. Love to see that back on for another series - Long live Rimmer - Smeg Off.
Posted 13 June 2007 - 10:32 PM
Red dwarf was good but completely lost its way in the final few series. 1-4 were brilliant, then from 5 onwards things took a turn.
When the eventually took our Chris Barrie and brought Cassandra back in the show was pretty much dead sadly....
When the eventually took our Chris Barrie and brought Cassandra back in the show was pretty much dead sadly....
Posted 13 June 2007 - 10:58 PM
I loved "The Adventure Game" !
Gronda Gronda !
Gronda Gronda !
Posted 14 June 2007 - 06:34 AM
Does anyone remember Knightmare?? where the kids walked round the dungeon with a helmet on avoiding pit traps and monsters..... so much better than "Bear in the big blue house" and the rest of the gaf they have on now for kids!!!!
Posted 14 June 2007 - 06:41 AM
Does anyone remember Knightmare?? where the kids walked round the dungeon with a helmet on avoiding pit traps and monsters..... so much better than "Bear in the big blue house" and the rest of the gaf they have on now for kids!!!!
Yes I remember knightmare, Challenge TV reperted a series of it late last year if you have sky or virgin TV keep an eye on the sehduals thay may run another series of it
Cliff C
Posted 14 June 2007 - 07:09 AM
What is it these days with kids shows, its all american or japanese crap. Its either got a load of fat kids speaking latino every other sentence or its some bizarre cartoon advertising a card game no one understands.
Bring back the classics such as Cities of Gold, Danger Mouse, Ulysess 31, Around the world with Willy Fog, the science show with Johnny Ball, Johnny Briggs, Star Fleet, Battle of the Planets, Jamie and the magic torch, Wide awake club. trapdoor, count duckula, wacky races, tom and jerry, pink panther, and the looney toon cartoons which never seem to be on anymore either (especially loved wiley coyote vs roadrunner)
Kids grow up fast enough as it is, they don't need these modern day kids soap opera's pushing "issues" down their necks, they get enough of that at school
Bring back the classics such as Cities of Gold, Danger Mouse, Ulysess 31, Around the world with Willy Fog, the science show with Johnny Ball, Johnny Briggs, Star Fleet, Battle of the Planets, Jamie and the magic torch, Wide awake club. trapdoor, count duckula, wacky races, tom and jerry, pink panther, and the looney toon cartoons which never seem to be on anymore either (especially loved wiley coyote vs roadrunner)
Kids grow up fast enough as it is, they don't need these modern day kids soap opera's pushing "issues" down their necks, they get enough of that at school
Posted 14 June 2007 - 07:28 AM
I loved "The Adventure Game" !
Gronda Gronda !
Superb choice there my friend

TV & Radio Bits - The Eighties Zone
Sorry Ady couldnt find any from the 1910's

Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know.

Posted 14 June 2007 - 01:08 PM
For us older one's who are over 100 (that means you Ady) - let's not forget the Clanger's - Classic TV.
If you were to attempt to kit a cock with legs and eyes - this is what they would come out like - A Clanger (picture below).
If you were to attempt to kit a cock with legs and eyes - this is what they would come out like - A Clanger (picture below).
Attached Files
Posted 14 June 2007 - 01:32 PM
Bring back the classics such as Cities of Gold, Danger Mouse, Ulysess 31, Around the world with Willy Fog, the science show with Johnny Ball, Johnny Briggs, Star Fleet, Battle of the Planets, Jamie and the magic torch, Wide awake club. trapdoor, count duckula, wacky races, tom and jerry, pink panther, and the looney toon cartoons which never seem to be on anymore either (especially loved wiley coyote vs roadrunner)
Kids grow up fast enough as it is, they don't need these modern day kids soap opera's pushing "issues" down their necks, they get enough of that at school
Most of which were french! Well cities of gold, ulysses 31, dogtanian and the likes were all french and then converted to english for us.
I have all of them on DVD here, Cities of gold was the more difficult to get hold of as it was only ever released on laser disc. However I did find a guy on the web about a year ago who converted them for me. Ulysses 31 was superb, one of the best cartoon series ever

Posted 14 June 2007 - 01:54 PM
Superb choice there my friend
Treasure Hunt (fancied anneka like fook)..Blue Peter(fancied Janet Eliis like fook)..Hey come on i was about 13 or 14 testosterone levels were on hyperdrive
TV & Radio Bits - The Eighties Zone
Sorry Ady couldnt find any from the 1910's
Annabel Croft - Anneka was minging!!! I loved Adventure Game and the puzzles, although the stupid end game was a bit naff.. Knightmare would have been better if they had really died, but they never did!! Plus I didn't believe it was truly random and maintained a linear plot.. Sure they could do this 100 times better now!!! I used to like Why Don't You? And remember Dungeons and Dragons cartoon (fantastic).. I even loved the Jetsons.. etc.

Around the world with Willie Fogg
Defenders of the Earth
J<br /><br /><br /><br />A man
Posted 14 June 2007 - 05:25 PM
Loved all them - A few others:
The Raccoons
Stop It And Tidy Up (Narrated by the mad Terry Wogan)
The Herbs
The Adventures Of Teddy Ruxpin
Pingu (Crazy Mental Penguin - just went around making noises)
Count Duckula
Cartoons are crap these days compared to the ones on everyones postings - Classics.
The Raccoons
Stop It And Tidy Up (Narrated by the mad Terry Wogan)
The Herbs
The Adventures Of Teddy Ruxpin
Pingu (Crazy Mental Penguin - just went around making noises)
Count Duckula
Cartoons are crap these days compared to the ones on everyones postings - Classics.
Posted 14 June 2007 - 05:58 PM
Stop It And Tidy Up (Narrated by the mad Terry Wogan)
"and the big bad I SAID NO"
loved that bit

Posted 14 June 2007 - 06:02 PM
Brilliant wasn't it - one of the maddest things ever on TV - "clean your teeth" "not now".
Anyone remember Trapdoor. That was a mental cartoon - Utter Chaos - Genius.
Anyone remember Trapdoor. That was a mental cartoon - Utter Chaos - Genius.
Posted 14 June 2007 - 08:12 PM
somewhere in the dark and nasty regions where nobody goes stands an ancient castle deep within this dark and uninviting place lives berk the overworked servant of the thing upstairs but that's nothing compared to the horrors that lurk beneath the trap door for there is always something down there in the dark waiting to come out. "dont you open that trap door you're a fool if you dare stay away from that trap door cos there something down there" voiced by willie rushton. bring it back on

Posted 14 June 2007 - 08:17 PM
Lol - Classic. Your must have a good memory.
Posted 14 June 2007 - 09:03 PM
If you're nostalgic for this sort of thing, it regularly pops up on UKNova - you'll need to register (free), and maintain a Leech/Seed ratio, but there are great things to be had:-
EastEnders & Grange Hill from the 80's & 90's;
Absolutely (including The Vido - discontinued);
Adverts from long ago - even 60's sometimes;
Demon Headmaster;
Marmalade Atkins;
Common As Muck;
Fist Of Fun;
In Sickness & In Health;
Me & My Girl;
Not The 9 O'Clock News;
Horizon & Panorama...
...basically anything that isn't currently out on Video/DVD, and is British in origin (no Neighbours or Buffy) - I'm still waiting for Sapphire & Steel...
EastEnders & Grange Hill from the 80's & 90's;
Absolutely (including The Vido - discontinued);
Adverts from long ago - even 60's sometimes;
Demon Headmaster;
Marmalade Atkins;
Common As Muck;
Fist Of Fun;
In Sickness & In Health;
Me & My Girl;
Not The 9 O'Clock News;
Horizon & Panorama...
...basically anything that isn't currently out on Video/DVD, and is British in origin (no Neighbours or Buffy) - I'm still waiting for Sapphire & Steel...
Winning is not a crime...
Posted 14 June 2007 - 09:08 PM
Most of which were french! Well cities of gold, ulysses 31, dogtanian and the likes were all french and then converted to english for us.
I have all of them on DVD here, Cities of gold was the more difficult to get hold of as it was only ever released on laser disc. However I did find a guy on the web about a year ago who converted them for me. Ulysses 31 was superb, one of the best cartoon series ever
Dogtanian was Japanese, created by Nippon Animation, and sold under the name 'WanWan Sanjushi'. Do a YouTube search for WanWan and you'll probably find the original intro.
IMHO it was then transferred from Japanese to Spanish by BRB, and the Spanish version was re-dubbed into many languages - English, French, German, Italian, e.t.c.
Bit of a Dogtanian nut here, bloody love it***. Play the theme on my guitar when I'm bored and want a bit of a pick-me-up

*** The original series (from when Dogtanian leaves for Paris and aspires to join the Musketeers), NOT the cheesy second series, which to put it bluntly, was disgraceful as a sequel.
Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)
Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)
Posted 14 June 2007 - 09:29 PM
thanks pj i didnt know that. will take a look at that

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