Cops and Robbers cashpot technique
Started by homeslice, Jun 22 2007 12:57 PM
72 replies to this topic
Posted 13 October 2007 - 12:07 AM
Ah, don't you just love our old chap, Mr Alcohol. Makes everybody seem almost normal...except Daza who is some kind of ladyboy in my studied opinion....lol
<span style='font-family: Comic Sans MS'><span style='font-size: 12px;'>It's all done in the best possible taste.

Posted 13 October 2007 - 01:44 PM
wtf is going on in mrgspot avator ?
If you look closely, I found the G but a little high up for my liking!!!

"Yippee Ki Ya Kimasabi"..
Posted 13 October 2007 - 07:40 PM
Cheers lol well my hairs just about getting long enough now to be fair. Still not as long as the dude in ya sig pic though lmao

Ey Up!
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"I don't care if the fans rip the shirt from my back. They put it there"
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"I don't care if the fans rip the shirt from my back. They put it there"
Posted 16 November 2007 - 04:31 PM
ok i have to bring this back. right as you know i got a club classic cops robbers, iv had it for nearly two weeks now. the cashpots were on both 100. when they were on roughly 150, i started forcing it for them. well 2 weeks later they still both there on 250. one night alone i put over 1200 pounds through. i cant gamble pass 75 on gamble panel. i lost about 10 times on 75. and i refused all features ,unless it span straight in, then collected it soon as it missed a key. doing this i got millionaires row twice with geting the 3 keys on 1st round. 1st going to 49.40, me thinking this will defo go all way. nope i got fine. and second i got up to 6 quid lol and fine. so now i estimate i have put through at least 2k but more like 3k i think. so the cashpot force is bollocks. i just chucked another 200 through befor i came on here and lost on 75 twice. so unless im doing somthing wrong ? then forcing this machine is really a MUGS game. my dad said he has tried it once in real life. both pots full and hopper full and put in 200 and got nothing. so am i doing somthing wrong ?That video is classic. Haven't you heard the part when the bloke recording comments he isn't sure there is enough time on the camera to record it, and the chap playing says it holds 1 hour?
How long were they playing before he started recording as well?!!
Probably ploughed AT LEAST £200 in to get it buzzing it's tits off and was lucky to get the cashpot to be honest.
My advice with clubbers is to play them and rely on luck and timing - don't force them based on what you've been sold for a few quid on eBay - because if you catch one at the wrong time (say a RAM reset but with both cashpots set by the operator at £250) - you WILL get royally shafted.
Posted 16 November 2007 - 05:31 PM
ok i have to bring this back. right as you know i got a club classic cops robbers, iv had it for nearly two weeks now. the cashpots were on both 100. when they were on roughly 150, i started forcing it for them. well 2 weeks later they still both there on 250. one night alone i put over 1200 pounds through. i cant gamble pass 75 on gamble panel. i lost about 10 times on 75. and i refused all features ,unless it span straight in, then collected it soon as it missed a key. doing this i got millionaires row twice with geting the 3 keys on 1st round. 1st going to 49.40, me thinking this will defo go all way. nope i got fine. and second i got up to 6 quid lol and fine. so now i estimate i have put through at least 2k but more like 3k i think. so the cashpot force is bollocks. i just chucked another 200 through befor i came on here and lost on 75 twice. so unless im doing somthing wrong ? then forcing this machine is really a MUGS game. my dad said he has tried it once in real life. both pots full and hopper full and put in 200 and got nothing. so am i doing somthing wrong ?
Don't these things have "anti-force" put into the code to stop forcing? It'll drop when it's good and ready.
Posted 16 November 2007 - 05:40 PM
Don't these things have "anti-force" put into the code to stop forcing? It'll drop when it's good and ready.
not unless they added the anti force later in the software
YouTube - club cops and robbers gold fruit machine p&o ferries
Posted 16 November 2007 - 07:18 PM
I think the original one was too early for anto forcing software to be programmed into it. Don't know if it's in the later, Gold versions. I've forced them both before and they both played about the same. Last time i got CP on a Classic CNR it was from Nudges on Millionaires Row. If it's really ready to drop it's not always worth knocking back the feature in case that happens. Oh and if that happens don't do what one of the blokes down my local did. Remember to press Exchange and not collect. He has CP on nudges and ended up with £20. oops lol if the blub has blown you might not always see CP flashing. I got it with about 20 nudges. If you've got a lot of nudges and no cash win is lit give it a go.
I've read the CP 'technique', my mate showed me it on his comp. It's not all that spectacular. As i've just mentioned, it doesn't take into account CP off main feature. I don't know if the reel set up is the same on Classic and Gold. The club where i go has both a Classic and Gold. The CP on the Classic has been there to my knowledge about 6 months. Never known it be there that long. People keep getting in the middle and dropping £190 odd. The Gold is always at £200. It caught me out at 1st cos it has 2 CP's, and one is always full and one is always empty. I thought it had just been dropped. A bit sneaky
I've read the CP 'technique', my mate showed me it on his comp. It's not all that spectacular. As i've just mentioned, it doesn't take into account CP off main feature. I don't know if the reel set up is the same on Classic and Gold. The club where i go has both a Classic and Gold. The CP on the Classic has been there to my knowledge about 6 months. Never known it be there that long. People keep getting in the middle and dropping £190 odd. The Gold is always at £200. It caught me out at 1st cos it has 2 CP's, and one is always full and one is always empty. I thought it had just been dropped. A bit sneaky

Ey Up!
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"I don't care if the fans rip the shirt from my back. They put it there"
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"I don't care if the fans rip the shirt from my back. They put it there"
Posted 16 November 2007 - 08:54 PM
Ah, don't you just love our old chap, Mr Alcohol. Makes everybody seem almost normal...except Daza who is some kind of ladyboy in my studied opinion....lol
Funny story this..not trying to hijack the thread so please forgive me..just when Gaz mentioned Ladyboys..have any of you seen "Dirty Sanchez the movie" ?
Was watching it with my lad the other night..started off the usual stupid kinda stuff..throwing darts at each other and stuff..but they then went to Thailand..and were in the Ladyboys club ?
And they had to reveal wether they were a man or woman..or both..or..well..when the big reveal came along..the look of sheer bewilderment on my boys face..he was like..WTF ????
I was like..ok..where do i start on this one ?
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know.

Posted 17 November 2007 - 01:08 AM
so what you say ? did you try explain the dazza thing or what ? or you trying to make a point ? or you fishing ? please carry on todd.
Posted 17 November 2007 - 08:06 AM
I had £1000 off the £250 repeat on Rio Grande once... Thought it was fantastic until I hear about Ady's exploits (£1000 a day somewhere or other
)... And the Dazza thing... Well I like Dazza whatever the sex, and it's added a bit of fun to the forums --- And I am certainly not complaining about being pointed to the pictures of Next Door Nikki

J<br /><br /><br /><br />A man
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