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#61 "o_o"


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Posted 09 July 2007 - 10:11 PM

Sod that way too hard, i go for the hammer.

#62 dtrmad2004



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Posted 09 July 2007 - 10:16 PM

What are you talking about?

Sure I've *thought* about doing dodgy things, like the various switch-off / reset tricks - what fruit machine player hasn't at some time?

I've witnesseed it done by others hundreds of times, so I know it's sometimes easy money

But I've never followed it through.

My feeling has always been that if you can't do it legally, don't do it all.

Incidentally, I once found a machine that accepted 1p coins as 20ps.

I stuck around 5 * I p coins in it and won 50p...I thought of coming back with £20 in 1ps, but really couldn't be bothered.

Would I have been breaking the law if I'd done it?

I doubt it very much, but that sort of thing is a grey area.

As a [former] player I'm inclined to say 'fair game' to anyone who *can* be bothered.

Grey area yes, If you are having to smash something or force you way in thats 100% illegal.

Exploiting a fault isnt really that bad TBH, along the lines of what you said I once found a 777 heaven that 10p's clocked up credits and the 10p came back out.

Some card reel based machine where its only meant to hold one reel randomly (cant remember the name) it was holding all 3 reels every single credit. Emptied both then got witnesses for the last win when I knew it was empty. Arcade staff kindy refilled the machines, repeat process :D

<a class='bbc_url' href='<a class='bbc_url' href='http://profile.mygam...trmad2004'></a>Posted Image</a><br /><br />Don't gamble with the Recession!

#63 alfie09



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Posted 09 July 2007 - 10:28 PM

lol.. didnt post m8 cause no one is interested on this site.... unless u missed the sign on the door it says fruit EMU.... and i was being jovial with the dk thing.... trying to be a little funny...lighten the mood, but woooosh... there gose another 1, straight over head lol.....

#64 g-man



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Posted 10 July 2007 - 01:23 AM

Emptied both then got witnesses for the last win when I knew it was empty. Arcade staff kindy refilled the machines, repeat process :D


It's nice when they do that for you after you've cleaned a machine out. :)

Makes a change from them showing you the door and telling you to 'get out and don't bother coming back'. :D

When you empty a machine purely through playing it - even if you're playing it in a 'weird' way, like (for example) refusing all wins and knocking back jackpots on Jackpoteers- there's no way on earth you could be prosecuted for doing something 'illegal'.

#65 "o_o"


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Posted 10 July 2007 - 10:54 AM

Your right how can they prove anything when you have not tampered with the machine in anyway. I was told years ago that you people could be prosecuted using a refil key by wasting electricity. It sounds daft but the law can be sometimes, no idea if its true although im sure using the refil key on the extreme gamings would be illegal.

#66 g-man



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Posted 10 July 2007 - 06:00 PM

Your right how can they prove anything when you have not tampered with the machine in anyway. I was told years ago that you people could be prosecuted using a refil key by wasting electricity. It sounds daft but the law can be sometimes, no idea if its true although im sure using the refil key on the extreme gamings would be illegal.

I never used refill keys - never felt the need - but I think they could probably be classed as devices, as in 'going equipped with a device for the prurposes of committing fraud..'. :eek:

#67 regvera



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Posted 16 July 2007 - 11:31 PM

I Think it's important we can talk about any form of gambling on here.

FOBT'S are massive business and there is very little info about them.

These machines do play to a percentage. For example, Corals bookies play to 98 percent but not necessarily at any given time..they will payback 98 percent of stakes over a given period; perhaps their accounting year (?)

If you play FOBT's you can sometimes "feel" the percentage, much like on a fruttie.

Personally, I find that they will hit a certain amount, maybe £500 if they're happy, but will rarely go to a £1000. (perhaps the winnings are also affected by stake per spin - in terms of how much the machine is "willing" to pay?)

If these machines are not controlled by a percentage then why have I never met anyone who has won more than 2 or 3 grand?

They supposedly can payout £10 grand.....has anyone heard of anyone winning near that amount? I'll settle for gossip. Surely if it were down to chance, someone must have got near?


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