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Newbie needs pointers please

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#1 enonod


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Posted 13 July 2007 - 12:55 PM

I don't kinow most of what you all talk about, and want to get IN.
I very specifically want the Green Crazy Fruits by QPS 5p play.

I have mfme9.4, I have Crazy Fruits (qps) Green 1280DX £5 Jackpot 10p Play. It works.
It is too big being 1280 but will run with two monitors set above each other.
What is DX?
Is there a 1024 version to fit on one screen?
Is the one I have the same as the 5p version except perhaps a switch changes the play price??
Is there a manual for MFME 9.4 switches etc.

Help would be appreciated.

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