can anyone tell me where i can get any software as my comp only goes 1024 resolution,really starting to piss me off with all these new games just to big for my screen

new resolutions
Started by caddyshack, Nov 23 2003 12:04 AM
6 replies to this topic
Posted 23 November 2003 - 12:04 AM
Posted 23 November 2003 - 08:26 AM
As far as I know, there is no software, you just have to have a monitor which can go up to that res. I have the same problem, can only play 1024 layouts. EVEN THE POLL SAYS THAT DX - 1024 x 768 IS WHAT PEOPLE WANT! We are seeing loads of machines that many people just can't play. Such a shame. All that work going to waste.
Posted 23 November 2003 - 08:58 AM
Yup. No real quick fix to this short of buying a new monitor. I know it's not everyones cup of tea but if a layout is designed at a higher resolution, thats because the layout designer has a monitor to do so. I wouldn't expect a layout designer to only use 3/4 of his monitor to design just to keep everyone happy, just like if you had a car that did 70mph, you wouldn't drive about on motorways only doing 50 would you.
You may have an old driver for your monitor. Thats always worth trying before buying a new one.
You may have an old driver for your monitor. Thats always worth trying before buying a new one.
Posted 23 November 2003 - 01:57 PM
When u get a new monitor u will see how much better they look in 1280x1024. Not much of a consilation i know.
Posted 23 November 2003 - 05:07 PM
well the monitor problem isnt quite true as it can be the drivers u use for ur gfx card that can alter the size ur monitor can go to as i have a geforce fx 5600 now if i use the drivers it came with i can make my monitor goto 2048 x 1536 but if i apply new drivers from nvidia i only manage 1024x768 now explain that one
Posted 23 November 2003 - 05:48 PM
Also they are new layout designers that are re-sizing 1280s to 1024s so you will get to play them in the end if you dont upgrade up monitor anyway!
Youll just have to wait for a bit.
Youll just have to wait for a bit.
Posted 23 November 2003 - 06:02 PM
Pleased that 1024's are still being done.
I know that bigger resolutions = better emulations but be a while before my monitor will be able to do more than 1024's
I know that bigger resolutions = better emulations but be a while before my monitor will be able to do more than 1024's

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