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£5 jackpot

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#1 darren knight

darren knight

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Posted 02 August 2007 - 08:27 PM

i was playing "high impact" £5 jackpot last week and got £50 from mega streak i have never seen as much from a streak on a £5 jack and ive played most. was just wondering if anyone has ever took more out a single streak on such a low jackpot machine

#2 tara10825



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Posted 02 August 2007 - 08:32 PM

I feel sorry for the guy who was on it before you cause it must have took a fortune,but its not un common for these to do this.

#3 bladefan2


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Posted 02 August 2007 - 08:41 PM

tara - love your avatar btw

what is that? a cat !!?

#4 renoufchr


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Posted 02 August 2007 - 09:30 PM

ive done £30 from bullseye the 3 reel high low one

#5 eddiec



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Posted 02 August 2007 - 09:50 PM

Back in the old days of 6quid token jackpots, blues brothers would sometimes go on a bender for 48-54 quid of tokens.

#6 levartemit186



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Posted 03 August 2007 - 03:25 AM

Can beat that on Blues boys (yes that was the correct name). Got £78 in tokens. Remember the repeat goin mental, got to £66, manager of arcade comes over at my request, repeated again for £72, then again for £78. He then said "if it repeats again it is broken and I wont pay it out". How I laughed when it went repeat- NO! Ha ha his face when he gave me bags of tokens to pay for the shortfall was priceless. I didnt even spend one more token in there, I went around the pubs and managed about £55 cash.

#7 todd1970


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 05:04 AM

They have 2 Cops and Robbers machines in my local bowling alley set to 10p £5 jackie when they are in the mood they pay big time.

I once had 8 "GO ALL THE WAY" boards in a row with another Super reel blasts on a normal board which i took cos there was a bell there obv and it gave 2 repeats afterwards..Which made £55 in total..Stuck about £20 in to get that right enough...but i knew it was backing from the 1st £1 :)
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know. :)

#8 cliffc



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Posted 03 August 2007 - 08:24 AM

i was playing "high impact" £5 jackpot last week and got £50 from mega streak i have never seen as much from a streak on a £5 jack and ive played most. was just wondering if anyone has ever took more out a single streak on such a low jackpot machine


From a £5 jackpot the biggest streak was from the Big Breakfast machine that was recently emulated for £100 got the bank limit of £25 4 times in a row actually came off with about £85 as i was recycleing some of the banks to carry on the streak. Also from a £5 Super Red Bar £55

Cliff C

#9 bunglr9512


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 10:17 AM

Barcrests Barmy Army's (£5 10p) Mega Streak can go for £48 (the most i have had anyway). got it the other day in the holiday park near where i live. it was dropping and only cost me £3 to get. good machine when in the mood.
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#10 prizeguy2005



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Posted 03 August 2007 - 01:33 PM

Some old global machines used to do big streakes on £5 jackpot too. Jiggin in the riggin mpu4 emulated could do a biggish £40-£60 drop. Played a classic spotted dick (epoch version) which repeated a jackpot about 9 times, and then still gave a few consecutive jackpot boards. My Barcrest revolution on £5 I have at home have seen do £50ish but normal streak is about £20 I think

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