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Postal Strikes

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#41 todd1970


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 06:43 PM

Thus giving the phrase Hand shandy :)
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know. :)

#42 VampUK


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 06:47 PM

Thus giving the phrase Hand shandy :)

Hahahahaha nice one.

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#43 duplu


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 07:54 PM

So it wasn't the complaint I made to Duplu that lifted the ban then ?

Did I make personal comments about you ? No, so don't take it personal then........

I think I will stay on this ID now then - so everyone knows I am FEMALE !!!

Darienne Zakowski (Da Za)

Nothing to do with me, Ady made the decision to re-instate you himself. In my eyes his initial decision to ban you wasn't correct but he rectified himself after cooling down.

My view on the subject is that people should be able to strike, proving there is power in numbers. Yeah it was a minor irritation not to receive some mail, but hey most of it is junk anyway. If you remove people's right to protest against any injustice then you might as well go and live in a dictatorship. I suggest Iraq, Iran or even the US.

I'm thinking of asking my postie tomorrow where my bloody blu-ray disks are ;)


#44 CrAzYbAr


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 08:37 PM

Something funny I remember...That postie friend of mine who said he was going on strike. About halfway through the day after picketing, he came home, logged on his forum and said "I sent off for a running number but havent received it yet...Wonder why that could be..."

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#45 jamesb99_1999


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 08:49 PM

£3.40!! I'd want a hand job with my pint for that cash. lol

If you were gay you would probably get one too ;)


Imagine a world without unions ---- we'd be f***ed - and all on £1 an hour.....

Gays do have more fun, which is why I am becoming a lesbian!!!!! ;)
J<br /><br /><br /><br />A man

#46 Gazeyre1966


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 08:56 PM

...and how do you work that one out James? (not the gay part...you just added that so I'm editing this)...lol

I'd be seriously interested to hear of any industry that has benefitted it's members by going on strike and in what way, in the last 20 or so years.

Seriously, this isn't a stab at anyone. Just list them here and I may change my view about unions only doing damage.
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#47 mrmystery83


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 08:59 PM

Well i'm sure they didn't take the decision to strike lightly. It's not like it's a few postal workers who are unhappy. 98% voted in favour of industrial action. The job i do we rely on customers being able to post documents back to us. The vast majority have been very understanding of the situation. You'll always get a few who aren't happy.

It's potentially peoples livlihoods (hmmm think that's spelled right) at stake. When jobs cuts are discussed i guess something had to be done. I can understand business etc worrying about mail getting through, but not people worrying about their novelty clock off e bay being late in the post or whatever! Get over it! Some people are selfish and only think of themselves. I'm not referring to the strikers when i say that btw.

I've heard postal workers have a lot of public symapathy. To strike is a democratic right to express your views. If unions didn't exist and you ever needed them at your workplace you'd soon be moaning then wouldn't you! But because their grievances don't concern them some people couldn't care less. They're only interested in how the dispute affects themselves.

I can understand why postal workers have decided to take this action. It's not a laugh losing pay you know. I work in a nice, warm office sat on my backside all day. I'll admit to that. I very well may be paid more than the people than work harder for a days pay. That's not right. I bet the fat cats at the top don't have to resort to this just to get a decent wage and working conditions.

Well that's my 2 penny's worth.
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#48 jamesb99_1999


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 09:52 PM

The coalminers - would have been virtual slaves without any protection... Fair enough foreign markets and Thatcher destroyed them, but prior to that.

My mom's factory - MEM (now Eaton), have only been reformed through union action. They managed to get equal rights for temp staff among "MANY" other actions.

Teachers - Without the unions teachers wouldn't even be able to tell off a kid -it's bad enough as it is. However at least they have the back up of the unions a little bit.. My partner was being bullied and without the union she would have been screwed.

Unions and strikes have a valid place, however I am not in one, and probably wouldn't join them being senior management ;)
J<br /><br /><br /><br />A man

#49 Gazeyre1966


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 10:22 PM

The coalminers - would have been virtual slaves without any protection... Fair enough foreign markets and Thatcher destroyed them, but prior to that.

Sorry, won't buy this at all. If I remember rightly, Scargill destroyed the coal mining industry in 1980 (Winter of Discontent). Led by him for so long the miners believed everything he said and when they striked for so long then it was games of bogey for the industry. Coal, as you well know James, is hardly used anymore so they should have moved on or be re-trained. But instead the union leader knew better. It's just the way it is. Do you use coal?

Maybe they still have a place in factories. I haven't visited that area for a while and hope not to again. In this day and age they would probably sack all the workers and bring in polish immigrants to do the work for minimum wage.

Teachers have power???? Care to run that by me mate as the ones I know have no power whatsoever. They can't even take a 6 inch knife off a primary school child without getting the parents or police's permission. Like you said the union is powerless anyway in real terms.

Unions are powerless these days (in general). Striking....whilst acheiving a short term goal has no positive effects in the long term as far as I can see....and yes, teacher's have it hard. Must be really tough having 3 months summer holiday a year ;)
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#50 jamesb99_1999


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 10:28 PM

Sorry, won't buy this at all. If I remember rightly, Scargill destroyed the coal mining industry in 1980 (Winter of Discontent). Led by him for so long the miners believed everything he said and when they striked for so long then it was games of bogey for the industry. Coal, as you well know James, is hardly used anymore so they should have moved on or be re-trained. But instead the union leader knew better. It's just the way it is. Do you use coal?

Coal is still used massively! many of our power stations still use it and many countries rely on it. And Scargill never destroyed the union - Thatcher did - Which she set out to do, however the strength of the unions in coal and shipbuilding was responsible for bettering conditions for many years.. my other points all stand too!! :p I use many products which rely on the coal industry - however it's cheaper to dig coal in china and ship it than did it here!! She also stole the kids milk :p
J<br /><br /><br /><br />A man

#51 Gazeyre1966


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 10:36 PM

I agree that the unions had a place decades ago James, not arguing that point at all. The problem was that they failed to move with the times and therefore became defunct.

Thatcher was right not to take any nonsense from them. Scargill was out of control. Read old news archives if you want to see some of the ridiculous things he took the whole mining community out on strike over. Some were legitimate of course but he thought he was so powerful he could do anything. Oops!!!!
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#52 Gazeyre1966


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 10:43 PM

She also stole the kids milk :p

Well the full fat milk caused cholesterol and built up fatty acids. She was the Jamie Oliver of the 80's....pmsl.

Anyway, the kids can always make it up by eating the junk food rife in schools under this Labour Government.

Oops, here comes Jamie again!!!! ;)
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#53 jamesb99_1999


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 10:43 PM

I agree that the unions had a place decades ago James, not arguing that point at all. The problem was that they failed to move with the times and therefore became defunct.

Thatcher was right not to take any nonsense from them. Scargill was out of control. Read old news archives if you want to see some of the ridiculous things he took the whole mining community out on strike over. Some were legitimate of course but he thought he was so powerful he could do anything. Oops!!!!

Unions are probably stronger worldwide than ever to be honest - some unions have more members than ever before (I used to regularly visit some of the major UK unions including Unison).. Without unions h&s law would look totally different... And to suggest unions don't have a place in todays world is more than ludicrous to be honest... But I guess that's just my opinion.. I always believe the little guy should have somebody stand up for their rights.
J<br /><br /><br /><br />A man

#54 Gazeyre1966


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 10:52 PM

Unions are probably stronger worldwide than ever to be honest - some unions have more members than ever before (I used to regularly visit some of the major UK unions including Unison).. Without unions h&s law would look totally different... And to suggest unions don't have a place in todays world is more than ludicrous to be honest... But I guess that's just my opinion.. I always believe the little guy should have somebody stand up for their rights.

I don't live worldwide mate, I live in Britain. Half of Europe is 30-40 years behind us never mind the rest of the world...lol.

I agree but it's like everything else...Too much is a bad thing. H & S was a good thing at first but now it's being taken to the extreme. Warnings on hot coffee that it's hot, warnings on peanut packets saying that they contain nuts...See where I'm going here?

Give someone power and they abuse it.

How long do you think it will be before you actually have a label on your car saying that driving too fast can kill? You think I'm joking James. ;)
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#55 fistandantilus



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Posted 04 August 2007 - 12:06 AM

employment law is a joke in this country. There is no innocent until proven guilty. A manager just has to reason to suspect you of doing wrong and he can sack you and when a manager is crooked or has a grudge against you this can be fabricated easily enough, Oh you could take them to tribunal but when you just lost your job most people can't afford to take a big multi-billion pound company to court to have to prove yourself innocent.

this is the main reason why there are unions. they are there to be in your corner, to fight for your rights and to stop companies taking liberties with workers lives

stop a unions ability to call a strike and they have no power and a worker has no ability other than words to protest and if you think a strongly worded letter by an employee would have any influence whatsoever then god help you. Privatized companies have one goal and thats to make obscene amounts of money for a few shareholders often at the expense of customers and workers, ;et them have their way and we'd be back to victorian workhouses

#56 Gazeyre1966


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Posted 04 August 2007 - 12:16 AM

employment law is a joke in this country. There is no innocent until proven guilty. A manager just has to reason to suspect you of doing wrong and he can sack you and when a manager is crooked or has a grudge against you this can be fabricated easily enough, Oh you could take them to tribunal but when you just lost your job most people can't afford to take a big multi-billion pound company to court to have to prove yourself innocent.

this is the main reason why there are unions. they are there to be in your corner, to fight for your rights and to stop companies taking liberties with workers lives

stop a unions ability to call a strike and they have no power and a worker has no ability other than words to protest and if you think a strongly worded letter by an employee would have any influence whatsoever then god help you. Privatized companies have one goal and thats to make obscene amounts of money for a few shareholders often at the expense of customers and workers, ;et them have their way and we'd be back to victorian workhouses

Now, privatisation is a different issue completely :)
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#57 CrAzYbAr


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Posted 04 August 2007 - 11:03 AM

£3.40!! I'd want a hand job with my pint for that cash. lol

How do you get the froth on top of the guinness...? ;)

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#58 VampUK


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Posted 04 August 2007 - 11:40 AM

How do you get the froth on top of the guinness...? ;)

You stick a leprechaun in a blender, then spoon the froth off. :)

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#59 Jimmy_mac


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Posted 05 August 2007 - 05:37 PM


In my abscence i missed this thread completely but i've had a bit of a read through it. Suppose I can only really offer one comment that I think a few should consider

Until you've walked a mile in someones shoes don't even think about judging them

Some of the shouts on here regarding what the postal workers want and what their day consists of etc is nothing short of small minded and pathetic. Some of you really need to grow up and think about things a bit more.

Sometimes i despair at the content of some of the peoples posts here, maybe the odd person should put a little more thought into exactly what they are about to post before posting it.

#60 Ride_my_cork_hard


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Posted 05 August 2007 - 06:28 PM

Forgive my ignorance but why are the posties on strike anyhow ?

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