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Postal Strikes

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#21 hanksey



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Posted 03 August 2007 - 02:04 PM

I Have Been Affected In Last Couple Of Weeks With Mail Arriving Upto 10 Days Late,My postie who has been delivering in our area for years has vanished,and has been replaced with another chap who struggles to find addresses and has too cover a larger area,so a knock on effect is late deliveries,i have great respect for them as they do a wonderful job when you really think about it with all the heavy parcels etc.

#22 jamesb99_1999


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 03:49 PM

Josh my son missed a job interview on 1/08/07 because of a late mail informing him....

However I would strongly strongly back anybody's right to strike. If we did not have the ability to do that we would be running slaves like China!!! I am 100% behind the posties striking!! To be fair they get a shit wage for what they do.... The company running them are shite but that makes it even more necessary for them to strike to get a fair deal.

IF I WAS A POSTMAN I WOULD STRIKE THE WAY THEY HAVE BEEN TREATED... However disagree with it being regular --- What they should be doing is the one day a week strikes they have done in the past - which cost the company running it without being a "massive" disruption.

Our postman's a lovely guy!! There are a couple of really fit postladies around here as well!! There is one who looks like the sexy one from Steps (the tall slim blonde curly one).. Grrr.. I think Postwomen should go on strike and all come around my place for me to make them coffee!!!

Fair play for striking though it stops people getting screwed over all over the workforce in the longterm!!! Kudos.
J<br /><br /><br /><br />A man

#23 Daza5056


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 04:47 PM

I think that Unions should be scrapped - after all it's there idea to strike.

What have strikes in the past proved ? - Nothing.... Just ask the miners that were on strike for 1 whole year back in 1984... All it did was split families up and make people bankrupt - and make Scargill rich as he stole all the money donated by the Russians...

So posties think they are on a crap wage - well does striking for 3 days out of the week without pay make it any better ?

No wonder they want to use machines to sort the mail..

Machines don't go on strike or ask for a pay rise
Machines don't have a union telling them what to do
Machines don't phone in ill if the World Cup is on
Machines don't need a fag break
Machines don't need holiday or sick pay
Machines don't turn up late then fall asleep on the job
and there are many many more reasons.....

Hmmmm - our mail finally turned up today at 5.30pm (along with a load of junk flyers which boost the posties wages for delivering them) --- And I am still waiting for an urgent item of mail that was posted over 2 weeks ago !!

#24 ady


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 04:50 PM

I think that Unions should be scrapped - after all it's there idea to strike.

What have strikes in the past proved ? - Nothing.... Just ask the miners that were on strike for 1 whole year back in 1984... All it did was split families up and make people bankrupt - and make Scargill rich as he stole all the money donated by the Russians...

So posties think they are on a crap wage - well does striking for 3 days out of the week without pay make it any better ?

No wonder they want to use machines to sort the mail..

Machines don't go on strike or ask for a pay rise
Machines don't have a union telling them what to do
Machines don't phone in ill if the World Cup is on
Machines don't need a fag break
Machines don't need holiday or sick pay
Machines don't turn up late then fall asleep on the job
and there are many many more reasons.....

Hmmmm - our mail finally turned up today at 5.30pm --- still waiting for an urgent item of mail that was posted over 2 weeks ago !!

Had enough of you pillock!

You self centered idiot....banned......please take this up with my peers (if you understand what that means)...I did ask you don't insult ME earlier in the post and read both sides, this you obviously haven't done!

#25 CrAzYbAr


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 05:20 PM

Complain Complain Complain...Everyone does that here...If the posties strike I just bear it tbh...If you have read Crap Jobs, there's an article on "Postman" at number 7 crap job because of the condtions, and one of my mates is a postie.

I suppose I should count myself lucky, all my mail arrives on time...Well if it's late then it's still getting the mail rather than not. With what I heard about them in Crap Jobs(one of the bits saying their delivery area gets doubled) its no surprise more people would have to wait with what they are put through.

I think as above that late mail is better than none...No mail for everyone now! Talking to my friend earlier after the first, 93% he said did not go to work. Anyway, whats the point...If they did turn up it would mean complaints about late mail lost stuff etc etc...Pretty thankless until it's payday!

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#26 Gazeyre1966


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 05:59 PM

I take personal offence to that...

You are totally ignorant, how dare you even THINK you know what my day consist's of!

Sorry Ady...I KNEW I should have stuck an lol or two after that. It was never aimed at you at all bud and I know you are hard working.

I was actually going by something I was told by a lad currently working as a postman and his attitude DOES stink.

I'm not saying all posties are like that for one minute but I have to say, I don't believe in strikes. :)
<span style='font-family: Comic Sans MS'><span style='font-size: 12px;'>It's all done in the best possible taste. :bigeyes04:</span></span>

#27 ady


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 06:05 PM

NP's Gaz and also to Daza5056.

I suppose I took this thread a bit personal, as I do (in my opinion work hard) I also endeaviour to make sure all mails delivered, no matter how much I have or how Vague some addresses are.

I do though see Red when I cannot argue to post's when some clearly have no idea of what they are posting about!, personal or not.

#28 Gazeyre1966


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 06:10 PM

I guess there's bad eggs in every box...and I seem to have a box full of 'em around here. Maybe you can move up here and sort out our postmen. :)
<span style='font-family: Comic Sans MS'><span style='font-size: 12px;'>It's all done in the best possible taste. :bigeyes04:</span></span>

#29 Darienne



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Posted 03 August 2007 - 06:11 PM

So it wasn't the complaint I made to Duplu that lifted the ban then ?

Did I make personal comments about you ? No, so don't take it personal then........

I think I will stay on this ID now then - so everyone knows I am FEMALE !!!

Darienne Zakowski (Da Za)

#30 VampUK


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 06:13 PM

So it wasn't the complaint I made to Duplu that lifted the ban then ?

Really getting pathetic now, oooh look at me I beat a ban. Pretty sad that.

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#31 ady


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 06:15 PM

So it wasn't the complaint I made to Duplu that lifted the ban then ?

Did I make personal comments about you ? No, so don't take it personal then........

I think I will stay on this ID now then - so everyone knows I am FEMALE !!!

No mate, It wasn't and I have no idea of what you are on about anyway, I still think you need to do some homework ;)

IMHO all you do is knock Members who know damn site more than you an many topics....

#32 ady


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 06:16 PM

Todays lesson:-

BBC NEWS | The Reporters | Robert Peston

ohh the unbis BBC

#33 CrAzYbAr


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 06:24 PM

Come on, let's put the fighting to bed and have a peoper gentlemanly debate about the matter! :)

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(DOND is around now on this site..... How long was this sig out of date...!)

#34 ady


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 06:26 PM

So it wasn't the complaint I made to Duplu that lifted the ban then ?

Did I make personal comments about you ? No, so don't take it personal then........

I think I will stay on this ID now then - so everyone knows I am FEMALE !!!

Darienne Zakowski (Da Za)

See you in Brighton tomorrow then.....

Pride in Brighton & Hove 2007 - The Musicals

Full of Transexuals etc!............

#35 todd1970


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 06:28 PM

On my way :)
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know. :)

#36 CrAzYbAr


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 06:30 PM

Flee, Ady!

If you can't maybe you should practise on the Brighton Time Trial when it is launched

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#37 VampUK


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 06:33 PM

I kinda wish I was gay. They always seem to be having more fun than us dull straights.

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#38 todd1970


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 06:34 PM

You can run but you cant hide...no-one escapes the Toddmeister..mwhuahahahah
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know. :)

#39 ady


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 06:35 PM

I kinda wish I was gay. They always seem to be having more fun than us dull straights.

More gay Pubs in the town than straight/mixed.........then I can't afford a £3.40 pint every day pmsl

#40 VampUK


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Posted 03 August 2007 - 06:40 PM

£3.40!! I'd want a hand job with my pint for that cash. lol

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