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pharaoh's gold club omg!!

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#1 rob3034


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Posted 16 October 2007 - 03:36 PM

Does this machine ever payout???? ive put £2,000+ in it and only won back £300! is this normal? got to £150 on the hi/lo gamble about 12 times but it just wont give out the jackpot!

highest ive got on winning spins is £49.00. the payout % is at about 15%!

how come? anyone know?

#2 hinchy


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Posted 16 October 2007 - 05:40 PM

you cannot force the £250 out of this machine but you can force the £150 win. It will only pay the jackpot once a lot of money has been recyled through the machine. On the emulator, I've played around £13k through it and has rolled to the jackpot on average once every £2-£3k put through it.

#3 fruitman69


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Posted 16 October 2007 - 06:46 PM

you cannot force the £250 out of this machine but you can force the £150 win. It will only pay the jackpot once a lot of money has been recyled through the machine. On the emulator, I've played around £13k through it and has rolled to the jackpot on average once every £2-£3k put through it.

This is correct just force the £150's and JP will come when its good and ready not before lol

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#4 nails


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Posted 16 October 2007 - 09:49 PM

thats right, play for the £150 and see what number it gives, as 9 out of 10 it will give you a 6/7/8 which means its not going.

play for the bar code choose a win and look for the 4 of a kind to get you high on the cash trail for a good head start gamble. there is a way to play this machine and have a 50/50 chance of predicting what will land on reel 1, as it can do long or short spins. off the top of my head there is a melon and green bar, let that spin and it can bring in the yellow bar, you`ll figure it out.

if you get a highe combination for the bar code, go for the choose a win, and also in you do get the highest bar code, still go for choose a win if you forcing, otherwise take your 35-100 from wining spins and sod off.

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