...you could call the licensing commission and report him...
Would they listen to me, then? Not that I know his name or his pub (
yet!) - it just occurred to me that he didn't mention any pub names during his little rant (I did ask...), and I also remember another time last year when some shortarse prick came up to me claiming to work in the pub I was playing in at the time, and told me "
you've finished your drink now, so jog on...or..." (been watching
Football Factory, have we?...), and just trailed off as if to imply bad things would happen that don't need to be spelled out - he wasn't f*****g staff, he was just in with them, and you're right as well, I've gone past the Wetherspoon at around midnight to see all the staff still in there, merrily playing the machines,
and drinking from the stock after hours!
...Livelihood threatened my arse. By the sound of it, it isn't a particularly welcoming pub and the landlord is insane. Maybe if you mentioned to him that a good atmosphere and a welcoming attitude results in good business then it may change his fortunes. Or install CCTV to catch the fiddlers...
I don't think he's the landlord of the pub I was in at the time (
Murphy's Bar), and anyway, it was a very strong feeling that had I tried to argue in any way, a fight would have broken out very quickly, he had got to practically
spitting with rage within seconds...
...Failing that, just torch his pub and then his livelihood really will be down the gurgler. It would serve him right for being such a knob. 
Erm... I
don't think I'll be doing that - besides which, if he's in as much trouble as he suggested, I'd end up doing him a favour (insurance job)...

...Ignorance, greed and a triple measure of pure unadulterated stupidity make for an insanely irritating cocktail. I guess these are independent pub owners you are on about?
Nice pun!
Not always, but that shouldn't make any difference......a group of toolers would go in there three strong, four strong, rob the bandit blind but as they're in a group, not look so suspicious...
Or be too many for anyone to do anything about it, except CCTV for any illegal behaviour...
Other times include some beardy twat at the
Robert Pocock asking me "
are you going to buy another drink or am I going to turn the machine off", and "
finish that game and f*** off!"; the
Darnley Arms (
A Warm Welcome From Paul and Pauline -
bollocks!) asking me if I "
know the codes, or something, 'cos you're always winning on that...you're cheating it...you're banned" - silly bastards!
But there are pubs that are happy to allow me to play to my heart's content (BTW, I never using any illegal methods, such as emptiers or Jammers - always available on fleaBay for the crazy muthaf***ah knockdown price of
£5,000 -
bargain, pay for itself in a day!

), but a lot of them have brought in 50p play £35JP'ers now, which I detest...
If any of the aforementioned #@#@#@#s are reading this, the best way to stop me playing is have only Bellfruits installed - never f*****g touch
those leeching cocksuckers...

And don't show a fake police badge either (
really!), unless you like the idea of spending the next three years with a different dick up your arse each night...
PS - I got me wonga back tonight from that wasted drink (admission fee) by riding out on a trolley-coin hunt - crazy f***er I am...
Winning is not a crime...