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Help.... Golden Casino Strobe/ Payout Error

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#21 lincs1


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Posted 09 November 2007 - 06:12 PM

can you replace the board - if so any sources ?
i assume tracing the wiring for the lamps is way too complicated


personally i can't replace the board as i have no amuesment machine parts left at all now. apart from bulbs lol

the only source's for a scorp board would be ebay.

if your good at tracing wires then feel free. i really do suspect the board to be at fault.

#22 advance-leisure


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Posted 09 November 2007 - 10:34 PM

had this problem on a cops the other week it was a bad connection from the lamp plugs that goes to main board ,after years of baord changes the plugs dont seem to fit tight as they should ,try removing lamp plugs and re-connecting them to board .

#23 lincs1


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Posted 09 November 2007 - 10:38 PM

had this problem on a cops the other week it was a bad connection from the lamp plugs that goes to main board ,after years of baord changes the plugs dont seem to fit tight as they should ,try removing lamp plugs and re-connecting them to board .

could even be a dry joint on the board. on the lamp connector

#24 advance-leisure


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Posted 09 November 2007 - 10:39 PM

if you have no luck and want to get a replacement board we can supply this at £35 plus £5 postage.
Welcome to Advance Leisure - arcade video games sales, arcade video games spares,arcade video game cheats, arcade video game parts, arcade video games machines,cheap arcade video games machines, used arcade video games machines,uk arcade video games
cheers steve.

#25 davidmoore35


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Posted 18 December 2009 - 09:18 PM

Well tubes checked and cleaned and connectors double checked.
Now the annoying strobe error keeps coming up.

Can't seem to put the machine into test mode ! switch on press and hold green button but no indication or result from pressing any of then buttons. Do you need to hold it down for a long time or as you switch on and then close door ?. If it does not go into test mode can't test the solenoid on the tubes.

Any idea what the strobe error 31 is ?

cheers all

did you find out how to sort the strobe 31 error or what it even is thx david

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