why do people not understand that we layout designers know the so called "useful service" will save bandwidth and are not disputing that overused point, we are only bothered by the fact that we are putting our time, effort and sometimes money into providing layouts for you people only to have a select few then sell our work just to make a profit.
i would not be bothered if duplu and wozza started selling fme discs to help cover the cost of the bandwidth, as i am sure handsome_rob would not, but i do get annoyed when i see people selling our work for their own selfish reasons.
But nobody can explain why. Making money out of other people's work is the cornerstone of the entire economy of the Western world. It's the core philosophy of our entire way of life. These people are doing it on a TINY scale, with clear benefits to both their customers and the FME scene as a whole. Everybody wins. All these objections are nothing but blind, mean-spirited dogma, with absolutely no basis in common-sense reality.
Everybody goes "Oh, but somebody could do it for free, and we could all tell everybody about it and get eBay auctions pulled and everything", but nobody bothers their arse to DO those things, for the very good reason that it would be a stupid waste of time. Yet they still whine about it endlessly on forums. Sheesh.
Either put up (ie make your own FME CDs and offer them on eBay for postage and media costs alone,
which will GUARANTEE the sellers are screwed, because who's going to pay a fiver for something they could get for 50p?) or shut up. If you're not prepared to take action, you have no right whatsoever to whine about it.