It's not a paid job, it's not a glamourous job, and you get flak for every decision you make. Basically for 'stanmarsh' what it means is that he can focus his attentions on the more important things in life.
In this instance Ben to be honest, the point is that isn't it Stan's decision to stand down rather than another mod's decision to "do it on his behalf and for his own good?"
I deal with a lot of volunteers at work and thank God we have them is all I can say. If I started to discriminate (and that's what it sounds like is happening in this scenario) against potential volunteers who have honestly filled out their applications because they suffer from depression, anxiety attacks, mental health issues, bad migraines (or even in some cases all 4 of the aforementioned issues), there would be several organisations come down on us like a ton of bricks!!!
The truth is that there is still a lot of discrimination out there. Until certain members of society stop laughing and joking, or even worrying about people with minor disabilities then they will always be discriminated against and I think this attitude sucks.
I'm not saying for one moment that this is the real reason behind the decision to relieve Stan of his moderating duties but if it is...then shame on you all!!!!
Sorry about the edit but I thought I would add that volunteering, for some people is their first step back into society after suffering illness and therefore is "very important" in life.