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Can any kind soul help fix my neighbour and my own fruit machines?

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#1 markyboy


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Posted 10 December 2007 - 09:10 PM

Hello you great people. Recently my neighbour and I purchased a couple of fruit machines for our Games rooms -(As every grown up guy should!!)
Only problem is,both of them are now not working properly. My machine is a "Beaver las vegas" by global.It was working fine until i painted the games room and the next day i had problems getting it started -(Alot of constant clicking and resetting,Only ever got it started up once since and then the clicking and resetting again after a few mins!!)

My neighbours machine is a "Barcrest Eliminator". The problem with his machine is that during a heavy poker night-we all smelled some sort of burning coming from the machine and since then he's had problems with lamps lighting up very slowly or sometimes some of them dont light at all during game play.

May I add that He is a Mechanic and I'm a Carpenter,therefore we know very little about theese machines,but any help we can get from you guys in the know shall be much appreciated as we are both willing to have a go at fixing anything.

Thanks in advance for any advice (Or for even taking the time to read my little rabble!!!) Bye, Markyboy !!!!!!

#2 lincs1


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Posted 10 December 2007 - 10:31 PM

Hello you great people. Recently my neighbour and I purchased a couple of fruit machines for our Games rooms -(As every grown up guy should!!)
Only problem is,both of them are now not working properly. My machine is a "Beaver las vegas" by global.It was working fine until i painted the games room and the next day i had problems getting it started -(Alot of constant clicking and resetting,Only ever got it started up once since and then the clicking and resetting again after a few mins!!)

My neighbours machine is a "Barcrest Eliminator". The problem with his machine is that during a heavy poker night-we all smelled some sort of burning coming from the machine and since then he's had problems with lamps lighting up very slowly or sometimes some of them dont light at all during game play.

May I add that He is a Mechanic and I'm a Carpenter,therefore we know very little about theese machines,but any help we can get from you guys in the know shall be much appreciated as we are both willing to have a go at fixing anything.

Thanks in advance for any advice (Or for even taking the time to read my little rabble!!!) Bye, Markyboy !!!!!!

beaver las vegas sounds like a fecked up psu and the other machine sounds as tho the main mpu has burnt out

#3 renoufchr


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Posted 10 December 2007 - 10:54 PM

Typial global PSU then

#4 Pgamblin


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Posted 11 December 2007 - 10:27 AM

I can fix your neighbour but its going to cost... the going rate is £20,000 per target... no reprocussions.

#5 lincs1


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Posted 11 December 2007 - 11:45 AM

I can fix your neighbour but its going to cost... the going rate is £20,000 per target... no reprocussions.

pmsl its cheaper just to buy a multiplayer partytime at that rate :)

#6 ady


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Posted 11 December 2007 - 01:46 PM

pmsl its cheaper just to buy a multiplayer partytime at that rate :)

Arrrrrggggghhhhh he used THAT word lol....

Anyway linc's got an idea here.....undercut pg by say...5k...That leaves 15k..

Sorted You, Beth and me........3 Months in BENIDORM :)

#7 skabaz


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Posted 11 December 2007 - 01:58 PM

yeah i would say your beaver las vegas machine has a faulty power supply and the barcrest machine will either have a faulty mpu or the lamps mux board is faulty.

beaver las vegas should be easy to sort due to you just having to source a power supply (ebay usually has them,type in maygay power supply epoch)

the barcrest machine will be a easy to repair but a bit of trial and error with changing boards is needed.

the mpu 5 board(attached to the back of the inside cabinet is a doddle to change if you just get a replacement.just plug everything in the same way as the came out!!)

the mux board is the board thats probably attached to the top glass of your machine,there are different versions of these boards so its important you get the correct one.

hope this helps


#8 markyboy


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Posted 11 December 2007 - 09:04 PM

Cheers Mate!! I shall take your very welcome info on board and try and fix theese problems. Finally someone who actually has an idea what hes talking about. I shall let you know how I get on.

THANKS!!!! Markyboy !!!!!!!!:bigeyes03: :bigeyes03: :bigeyes03: :bigeyes03: :bigeyes03: :bigeyes03: :bigeyes03: :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:

#9 lincs1


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Posted 11 December 2007 - 09:23 PM

Cheers Mate!! I shall take your very welcome info on board and try and fix theese problems. Finally someone who actually has an idea what hes talking about. I shall let you know how I get on.

THANKS!!!! Markyboy !!!!!!!!:bigeyes03: :bigeyes03: :bigeyes03: :bigeyes03: :bigeyes03: :bigeyes03: :bigeyes03: :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:

psu = power supply unit

mpu is the mainboard of the machine

its ok fella baz is scottish lol no offence baz

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