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Sidewinder (AGEMAME)

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#1 pembo


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Posted 23 December 2007 - 10:54 PM

The First AGEMAME Layout created using the AGEMAME Layout Editor, and the first user created/submitted layout to the AGEMAME project. A landmark in FME :laugh:

Posted Image Download instructions within thread

There are a couple of lamps that I don't know what purpose they serve (lamps 6/7/14/15). If anyone knows what these do, please feel free to either fix the layout or drop me a pm with details and I'll fix it.

Having never really played or remember sidewinder - its difficult to guess where they might be used, or even if all the current lamps are correct :S

To make this work you'll need the following.
1. Latest version of agemame (http://www.mameworld...emame/releases/)
2. Sidewinder roms - available from the repro)
3. The artwork zip (attached to this post).

Quick agemame tutorial for beginners -
  • download and unzip to a directory making sure to preserve folders
  • open a dos window, change to the agemame directory and type: age -createconfig.
  • Copy the rom zip to the roms directory
  • Copy the layout zip to the artwork directory.
  • start up agemame by either clicking on age.exe and choose sidewndr from the menu.
  • When it loads, press the tab key to bring up the options.
  • Going to video options lets you change to use the layout or the original presentation i.e. just the screen. The default is just the screen, so pick "AWP Simulated Layout" to see the graphics.

If you want to try and make sense of the layout in ALE (AGEMAME Layout Editor), you'll need to unzip this somewhere and then just load in the lay file. You'll also need the very latest version (0.8.2a) only available via the autoupdate currently. You can download ALE from here

You can change the keys with the input option to whatever you like generally, though attached to this post is my AGEMAME config file for Sidewinder. The keys by default are a little painful, so you can either change them yourself (from the TAB key menu) or you can unzip and copy my CFG file to the cfg directory, which will set the keys as follows:

Attached is my cfg file which contains my key mappings - copy this into the agemame cfg file and overwrite the existing one, then start Agemame and the keys are set as follows:

  • Start = space
  • Hold1 = 1
  • Hold2 = 2
  • Hold3 = 3
  • Hold4 = 4
  • Coin = 0
  • Gamble = G
  • Collect = C
  • Cancel = X
  • Stop Nudge/Nudge Up/down = N
  • Refill = R
  • Accountancy = F11
  • Test Program = F12

Thanks to
- Tibby for the backdrop graphic
- Elcondor for AGEMAME and his help making sense of things whilst I've been developing ALE
- Whoever was responsible for implementing Sidewinder in MAME.

Attached Files

#2 joebee1966



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Posted 24 December 2007 - 04:21 PM

can anyone help plz i seem not to be clever enough to get this to work.thanks in advance

#3 jamesb99_1999


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Posted 24 December 2007 - 04:22 PM

Have you correctly installed Agemame in the first place?

If you have then it's a case of copying the files to the correct directories in the install as explained in Pembo's post.

To be fair I struggled with AgeMame, but if you just think Mame it all makes sense :)
J<br /><br /><br /><br />A man

#4 Guest_altharic_*

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Posted 24 December 2007 - 10:12 PM

Good god was that made a wall mounted machine that art is flat as hell and thats before I start on the caveats in its implimentation.

#5 pembo


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Posted 24 December 2007 - 10:56 PM

Good god was that made a wall mounted machine that art is flat as hell and thats before I start on the caveats in its implimentation.

feel free to try yourself :tongue:

#6 Guest_altharic_*

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Posted 24 December 2007 - 11:04 PM

spikey, I meant where do you want me to start I mean the art is wrong seen the real machine before?

I am knocking the art not your work in making a reality all credit to the effort making the creator but jesus the art is wrong I have never seen a flat, wall mounted sidewinder machine.

Plus are you 100% it looked like that?

#7 pembo


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Posted 24 December 2007 - 11:19 PM

It wasn't meant as a dig at you either - I sincerely meant it.

If you or anyone who has more time thinks they can do the artwork and lamps more justice then please feel free to do them and send them to me, and I'll layout those as best as I can also, however until someone does, then I'm afraid that you'll just have to put up with a "flat, wall mounted" machine if you want to play it.

Attached Files

#8 merlinpatT


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Posted 25 December 2007 - 12:31 AM

I receive this mistake,''The selected game is missing one or more required ROM or CHD images. Please select a diferent game''. Some help? I am a Spanish and it is difficult to me to understand a bit the things... 2. Sidewinder roms - available from the repro) who ?
Happy Christmas Eve

#9 cliffc



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Posted 25 December 2007 - 01:00 AM

I receive this mistake,''The selected game is missing one or more required ROM or CHD images. Please select a diferent game''. Some help? I am a Spanish and it is difficult to me to understand a bit the things... 2. Sidewinder roms - available from the repro) who ?
Happy Christmas Eve

hI all

The sidewinder rom is now in the emulators folder (Guest access folder) and is availble to all of the repro users.

Merry Chrismas from all at the repro to all

Cliff C

#10 mythicos



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Posted 25 December 2007 - 06:41 AM

The artwork has to be flat as Agemame cannot skew the video screen.

But of course you knew that.
Not to be confused with illiterate f***wipes.

#11 Guest_altharic_*

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Posted 25 December 2007 - 09:28 AM

You can skew the art outside of agemame but you knew that also.

#12 merlinpatT


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Posted 25 December 2007 - 10:52 PM

''The sidewinder rom is now in the emulators folder (Guest access folder) and is availble to all of the repro users. '',

I do not understand exactly what you say, but I are descomprimido the files of sidewndr.zip in the folder/Rom/, that is supposed is where this the Rom ... this one like that well what I do? Regards

#13 richy76



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Posted 26 December 2007 - 02:07 PM

At the left side of this page you will see main menu, & cliff's repro link.

#14 gauss


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Posted 08 January 2008 - 09:23 PM

Does anyone have an alterative link to the roms since the repro seems to be down.

#15 gauss


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Posted 08 January 2008 - 11:24 PM

Never mind, got them from Usenet.

#16 tommydee


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Posted 26 March 2011 - 08:46 AM

could this be emulated as dont understand what is needed to play i have mame on my pc

#17 tommydee


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Posted 26 March 2011 - 02:00 PM

I aquired Mame, 0141, and once extracted put the roms in the mame rom folder and select the game that you want


The keys are all messed up.

1 is strat 8 is coin

no hold or nudge keys found nor SIDEWIND

#18 Guest_barcrest junky_*

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Posted 26 March 2011 - 04:53 PM

I aquired Mame, 0141, and once extracted put the roms in the mame rom folder and select the game that you want


The keys are all messed up.

1 is strat 8 is coin

no hold or nudge keys found nor SIDEWIND

I don't get the message. It is emulated - this is the emulation. it works fine in MAME140, so should still be ok in 141


#19 tommydee


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Posted 26 March 2011 - 07:31 PM

i meant for mfme, emulation

#20 Guest_barcrest junky_*

Guest_barcrest junky_*
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Posted 26 March 2011 - 08:06 PM

No no no no no


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