This is the sort of thing that would probably have shown up by now if there was a reel that displayed a smiley where there shouldn't have been one, so I imagine that, as Richard says, you had a 2 or 3 reel win, which overrides the feature start.Well, I got 3 Smiley's on the winline once and guess what? Yep, NO FEATURE entry ... so there's work to be done.
If it is a reel that has a smiley that shouldn't be there, then it's going to be very rare that it happens, but when it does I'll need to know what all 3 fruits/symbols are on all 3 reels so that I can track it down. If it does happen again, and it's not because of a win override, then please write this info down and send it to me.
Personally, because of the amount of times the reels themselves have been tested, my money's on it being a win override, but I'll be glad to fix the bug if it is one.
Or, as already said, it could be a knock-on effect of the Cash Vault bug.
As already posted several times, comprehensive documentation is on the way.Also a read me to accompany the exe explaining all the features wouldn't go amiss.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I really don't understand that.And wouldn't it be good idea to replace the Smileys with Adolf Hitler Smileys?
Anyone care to explain?

@Richard, when I read about you going straight through the table edge, I was puzzled, as I've never seen it happen before.
I tested it just now several times and couldn't get it to happen. I made sure that even on slower computers, the collision detection was called enough to stop this happening.
Then I re-read your post, and realised that you said "as soon as the game started", so I went and tested it and didn't wait for the text to disappear before moving, and sure enough off the table I went.
This is understandable, because none of that features gameplay routines are activated until the text disappears (collision detection, alien movement, etc), but the routine for controlling the cue ball is activated as soon as the feature screen appears, which is why there nothing stopping the cue ball.
Easy enough to fix.
In fact, I've just done it, so the cue ball cannot move until the feature actually starts.
Good catch!