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MFME game files wont load!!! :(

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#21 Gazeyre1966


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Posted 02 January 2008 - 10:33 PM

Blimey, I remember James when he first started on here...A nice quiet soul....got into FF and he even gave me abuse....tut tut!!

Come on guys, play nice. I remember when I were a lad that Alth used to give me verbal and it used to irritate me...but now I don't give a crap and I know now how much Alth has contributed to the scene in the past and what James is contributing now. For those that can't take it, get out of the Fruitie area and down to the kitchen. It's much cooler in there....lol.
<span style='font-family: Comic Sans MS'><span style='font-size: 12px;'>It's all done in the best possible taste. :bigeyes04:</span></span>

#22 todd1970


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Posted 02 January 2008 - 10:50 PM

Agreed Gaz..i have no issues with anyone on this site or FF or any affiliated sites to do with "the scene".

I make a point of trying to get on with everyone and hate it when other members start fighting cos..so and so done this or so and so done that.

Peace out guys and lets have no more pish. :)
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know. :)

#23 stanmarsh14



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Posted 02 January 2008 - 10:52 PM

f*** off, you are all c***S! :D

#24 todd1970


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Posted 02 January 2008 - 10:54 PM

f*** off, you are all c***S! :D

:lol: Someone chib that wee dobber.
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know. :)

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