Shows yours.
Started by todd1970, Feb 08 2008 04:29 PM
241 replies to this topic
Posted 16 November 2010 - 08:51 PM
We are the Mods we are the Mods
Posted 17 November 2010 - 10:15 AM

Posted 17 November 2010 - 05:00 PM
We are the Mods we are the Mods
Ady...your desktop is damned disgrace man !!!

Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know.

Posted 17 November 2010 - 08:19 PM
Heres mine.
cant wait for the film to come out.
cant wait for the film to come out.
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Posted 18 November 2010 - 04:15 PM
Ady...your desktop is damned disgrace man !!!
shortcuts and folders everywhere !!! give me 10 mins with it and it will be good as new
hahaha yeah I know mate, do a clear-up and a few weeks later its cluttered again!
Posted 18 November 2010 - 04:24 PM
hahaha yeah I know mate, do a clear-up and a few weeks later its cluttered again!
Lol...ive seen worse believe me..i spose im just borderline OCD cant stand ANYTHING other that the 5 icons i have on my desktop at any one time.
Even if the missus is working on a word document or summat and leaves it on the desktop by mistake..it goes straight into a folder in my documents.

Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know.

Posted 18 November 2010 - 06:43 PM
Your like mine todd?
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Posted 18 November 2010 - 07:53 PM
Here is a program that I have used for quite a few years now. It gives a Mac computer feel to your desktop, but it really does keep your desktop clear of clutter - and it is virus free (Microsoft Security Essentials as checked it).
Hope it helps all you messy desktop keepers clear up your mess!
Hope it helps all you messy desktop keepers clear up your mess!

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Edited by Daryl, 18 November 2010 - 07:57 PM.
All The Best
My blogsite is here: click the icon --->
My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
On 23 June 2011, I was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease In November 2012, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonian Syndrome too.
I can be found at:
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My blogsite is here: click the icon --->

My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
On 23 June 2011, I was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease In November 2012, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonian Syndrome too.
I can be found at:
My new blog-site...
...or at Facebook here: --> https://www.facebook.com/daryl.lees
Visit my website on the icon above for my WebBlog, or pop over and see me on the social media at --->


Posted 20 November 2010 - 09:02 PM
Found a nice Windows7 lightning theme on the Microshite site
had to update....
when i first got this PC it had the 'Dell docking bar' on it very similar to the above..couldnt decide wether i liked it or not..got used to it then thought nahhhh..dont like it...took it off..then put it back on..took it off..etc.
Its off for the meantime but i may go back to it again...i know..im a twat

when i first got this PC it had the 'Dell docking bar' on it very similar to the above..couldnt decide wether i liked it or not..got used to it then thought nahhhh..dont like it...took it off..then put it back on..took it off..etc.
Its off for the meantime but i may go back to it again...i know..im a twat

Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know.

Posted 21 November 2010 - 03:08 PM
love rocket dock thanks
my comp.png 2.22MB 25 downloads
Glad you like it Ruki - I have used it for years and it keeps your desktop clear of clutter while giving it a trendy look.

All The Best
My blogsite is here: click the icon --->
My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
On 23 June 2011, I was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease In November 2012, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonian Syndrome too.
I can be found at:
My new blog-site...
...or at Facebook here: --> https://www.facebook.com/daryl.lees
Visit my website on the icon above for my WebBlog, or pop over and see me on the social media at --->
My blogsite is here: click the icon --->

My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
On 23 June 2011, I was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease In November 2012, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonian Syndrome too.
I can be found at:
My new blog-site...
...or at Facebook here: --> https://www.facebook.com/daryl.lees
Visit my website on the icon above for my WebBlog, or pop over and see me on the social media at --->


Posted 10 January 2011 - 07:33 AM
Another one of mine here.....
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Posted 10 January 2011 - 09:46 AM
now running mac so far seems ok bit differnt than windows
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Posted 28 January 2011 - 05:07 PM
ROY WALKER IS A CRAP TV HOST BUT HE MAKES FOOKIN LOVELY CRISPS.....what's that there mr.chips doing?
Posted 28 January 2011 - 06:19 PM
That a dig at me fella? lol
Posted 16 March 2011 - 03:26 PM
Posted 17 March 2011 - 12:46 AM
Here's mine, Looks can be deceiving I have just over 699GB of personal files tucked away and just under 3,000 folders/slash sub folders all individually organized with the latest of course being the fruit machines
finally getting a refurbished after a 2-3 year wait. Ridin' on no back ups lol. 

Posted 17 March 2011 - 07:26 PM
Here's mine, Looks can be deceiving I have just over 699GB of personal files tucked away and just under 3,000 folders/slash sub folders all individually organized with the latest of course being the fruit machines
finally getting a refurbished after a 2-3 year wait. Ridin' on no back ups lol.
upload as a JPG not a png (as you did) or a BMP and it will be displayed.
Posted 31 March 2011 - 10:16 PM
New one for the rig at my flat
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