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Roms, Sound and fillers

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#1 draytalon


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Posted 28 February 2008 - 04:51 PM

Got a question for one and all, i downloaded the excellent emulator so i can get a taste of what bandits i used to play in my local pubs back in Scotland, because now i live in the States, i miss a taste of home, but when i download the Rom files and load them into the appropiate emulator, i get one of 3 errors, I either get Missing Rom file, No sound File or please reset filler tubes. What am i doing wrong with these rom files. All help appreciated.


Dray Talon©

ps. Before anyone asks, the name has been copyrighted by me, i have all legal paperwork for the asaid copyrights. :)

#2 hitthesix


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Posted 28 February 2008 - 05:17 PM

draytalon said

Got a question for one and all, i downloaded the excellent emulator so i can get a taste of what bandits i used to play in my local pubs back in Scotland, because now i live in the States, i miss a taste of home, but when i download the Rom files and load them into the appropiate emulator, i get one of 3 errors, I either get Missing Rom file, No sound File or please reset filler tubes. What am i doing wrong with these rom files. All help appreciated.


Dray Talon©

ps. Before anyone asks, the name has been copyrighted by me, i have all legal paperwork for the asaid copyrights. :)

hello and welcome to fruit-emu

ok first of all you need to make sure you download the LAYOUT AND ROMS to the same folder. and extract them ( some machines have both layouts and roms in them ) others don't.
that's probably why you are get rom missing /sound missing.

as for please reset filler tubes i have never seen that, although it's probably because the tubes could be empty . anyhow CLICK ON doors and reset the machine > and tick the REFILL tab and see if you can stick some coins in to refill the tubes. although it varies between machines.
if this will work ..

#3 draytalon


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Posted 28 February 2008 - 05:54 PM

hitthesix said

hello and welcome to fruit-emu

ok first of all you need to make sure you download the LAYOUT AND ROMS to the same folder. and extract them ( some machines have both layouts and roms in them ) others don't.
that's probably why you are get rom missing /sound missing.

as for please reset filler tubes i have never seen that, although it's probably because the tubes could be empty . anyhow CLICK ON doors and reset the machine > and tick the REFILL tab and see if you can stick some coins in to refill the tubes. although it varies between machines.
if this will work ..

Thanks, this seems to work for me.

#4 thejackal1975


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Posted 28 February 2008 - 08:19 PM

Let me get this straight - you've copyrighted your name?? How sad!! Are you from the states?? What if someone else has the same name 'legally', isn't that a bit pointless??

#5 draytalon


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Posted 28 February 2008 - 09:10 PM

thejackal1975 said

Let me get this straight - you've copyrighted your name?? How sad!! Are you from the states?? What if someone else has the same name 'legally', isn't that a bit pointless??

Actually i am from Scotland, moved to the States in 2001, but the name was copyrighted legally by me back in 1984. It was looked into by the appropriate legal people and at the time of copyrighting it, no-one had the name, so therefore it belongs to me as i paid for the name. At the time of copyrighting the name, i was heavy into playing Dungeons and Dragons so it seemed appropriate at the time, back in the 80's i wanted to be different from all the discotettes that was around (i hate disco music) so i did this. Sad i know, but it's me....... Also having paid at the time, £215 for the name, just for me to use the © was fun, but nowadays i get a lot of negativity from people about it.

#6 thejackal1975


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Posted 28 February 2008 - 09:24 PM

Being different is cool. I hate the yanks, but as your scottish - i'll let ya off!!! Space Crusade and Hero Quest were my vices so I can relate to D & D.

#7 draytalon


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Posted 28 February 2008 - 11:25 PM

hitthesix said

hello and welcome to fruit-emu

ok first of all you need to make sure you download the LAYOUT AND ROMS to the same folder. and extract them ( some machines have both layouts and roms in them ) others don't.
that's probably why you are get rom missing /sound missing.

as for please reset filler tubes i have never seen that, although it's probably because the tubes could be empty . anyhow CLICK ON doors and reset the machine > and tick the REFILL tab and see if you can stick some coins in to refill the tubes. although it varies between machines.
if this will work ..

Ok from my original 'this seems to work' now i am getting another error, on the main screen of Andy Capp it goes through the setup ok till it gets to the point when it says INIT CST then it freezes, i cannot do anything except close down the emulation, what am i missing, i installed the roms and sound files into the dx folder that i have the main game in.

#8 hitthesix


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Posted 29 February 2008 - 12:21 AM

try this> click on the CONFIGURATION TAB and change the DELAY

to a LOWER SPEED/ like 4444 and see if that helps

#9 Bencrest


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Posted 29 February 2008 - 12:35 AM

If being Scottish means that you refer to a Fruit Machine as a 'Puggy' that means I get to smack you about the face with some mackerel.

Sorry, but that name has bugger all to do with anything.

#10 draytalon


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Posted 29 February 2008 - 02:05 AM

hitthesix said

try this> click on the CONFIGURATION TAB and change the DELAY

to a LOWER SPEED/ like 4444 and see if that helps

Cheers buddy, works brand new now

#11 draytalon


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Posted 29 February 2008 - 02:06 AM

Bencrest said

If being Scottish means that you refer to a Fruit Machine as a 'Puggy' that means I get to smack you about the face with some mackerel.

Sorry, but that name has bugger all to do with anything.

And yes, i do call it a 'puggy', lol, you should see the americans over here when i say that word

#12 Guest_altharic_*

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Posted 29 February 2008 - 02:16 AM

I lived with a Scot and yes puggy is a slang term for a fruit machine up cross the border.

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