Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii or PS3 ??
Started by cardie, Feb 28 2008 10:52 PM
57 replies to this topic
Posted 28 February 2008 - 10:52 PM
Which ones your favorite, mines the 360. A lot of compertition with gamerscore etc. and some good games and good technolagy.
Then again the wii might jump ahead because of the wireless pads which are very fun ( and tiring ) to use and has a really good graphics processor.
Ive not been on the PS3 yet but my mate has one and says there really reliable and very addictive .... so whats yours ??
And im not just saying the 360 coz i have one i also have a Wii lol
(cardie69) <<
Then again the wii might jump ahead because of the wireless pads which are very fun ( and tiring ) to use and has a really good graphics processor.
Ive not been on the PS3 yet but my mate has one and says there really reliable and very addictive .... so whats yours ??
And im not just saying the 360 coz i have one i also have a Wii lol
(cardie69) <<
Posted 28 February 2008 - 11:01 PM
For me :
Wii - a bit gimmicky. Didn't think so at first, but grew bored of it. Got another one a while after, and got bored of that too. Perhaps once it's get a really good games library built up, and is cheap, it'll be awesome. One of it's major issues for me was that it only outputs an SD signal. On an HD TV, it looks shocking. Shame.
Xbox 360 - graphically very good. For games... very good. I'd have hung onto mine were it not for the fact that I was moving and wanted some cash. I'd rate it above the PS3 for games... but PS3 makes a far better 'living room' solution with it's quieter operation, Blu Ray playback, and better Hi Fi audio outputs.
Not owned a PS3, the above comes from others I trust.
Therefore :
1) Into motion sensing only? Get a Wii
2) Into 3D gaming only? Get a 360
3) Into Gaming, Music, Hd movie playback - get a PS3
It's over simplified, but now the format war is over, I'd get a PS3 over an Xbox360 in the future, unless Microsoft REALLY hammer the price of the 360 down.
Wii - a bit gimmicky. Didn't think so at first, but grew bored of it. Got another one a while after, and got bored of that too. Perhaps once it's get a really good games library built up, and is cheap, it'll be awesome. One of it's major issues for me was that it only outputs an SD signal. On an HD TV, it looks shocking. Shame.
Xbox 360 - graphically very good. For games... very good. I'd have hung onto mine were it not for the fact that I was moving and wanted some cash. I'd rate it above the PS3 for games... but PS3 makes a far better 'living room' solution with it's quieter operation, Blu Ray playback, and better Hi Fi audio outputs.
Not owned a PS3, the above comes from others I trust.
Therefore :
1) Into motion sensing only? Get a Wii
2) Into 3D gaming only? Get a 360
3) Into Gaming, Music, Hd movie playback - get a PS3
It's over simplified, but now the format war is over, I'd get a PS3 over an Xbox360 in the future, unless Microsoft REALLY hammer the price of the 360 down.
Posted 28 February 2008 - 11:57 PM
Seen my brothers PS3 last week and was quite impressed with it TBH.
Never seen an X-Box 360 in action.
The kids have a Wii and i must say im well addicted to it..just the bowling game on Wii sports though..all the other games look too complex.
Never seen an X-Box 360 in action.
The kids have a Wii and i must say im well addicted to it..just the bowling game on Wii sports though..all the other games look too complex.

Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know.

Posted 29 February 2008 - 12:33 AM
Seen my brothers PS3 last week and was quite impressed with it TBH.
Never seen an X-Box 360 in action.
The kids have a Wii and i must say im well addicted to it..just the bowling game on Wii sports though..all the other games look too complex.
That was another issue as to why I abandoned Wii.
Things like Red Steel, which I bought on release day. Looked a bit like Time Crisis for Wii. The control system was shite. Granted it looked good on paper, but it was useless. 'knock the door open using the nunchuck'... what the hell. It was introducing stuff for the sake of introducing stuff.
Just open the bloody door for me.
Posted 29 February 2008 - 05:35 AM
I'm glad cardie started this thread as I have £300 and have to make a decision....
IMO, Wii, as Ben said, gimmicky, neighbours have one, can't see me playing it more than an hour a week after the first week, not good for a console.
Xbox 360, I've seen and like, even on the web pages that compare (you move the mouse over the pic and it swaps from 360 to ps3 to show comparisons, the PS3 seems to be crisper and lighting is better, but.... £300 min and apparently the 60Gig is the one to have not the 40Gig and the 60's harder to get hold of. ALSO hate the Xbox controller after being a PS / SNES fan.
PS3, looks nice, but the price and limited games compared to the established 360 with hundreds. Apparently the PS3 is catching up though.
Downside to PS3, you can get an Xbox 360 arcade for £199, Pro (or something) for £249 and Elite / Ultra (or something like that) for £300
For those of you tooooooo lazy to search... here, this'll show you what I meant
Xbox 360 Versus PlayStation 3 Graphics Comparison - Features at GameSpot
IMO, Wii, as Ben said, gimmicky, neighbours have one, can't see me playing it more than an hour a week after the first week, not good for a console.
Xbox 360, I've seen and like, even on the web pages that compare (you move the mouse over the pic and it swaps from 360 to ps3 to show comparisons, the PS3 seems to be crisper and lighting is better, but.... £300 min and apparently the 60Gig is the one to have not the 40Gig and the 60's harder to get hold of. ALSO hate the Xbox controller after being a PS / SNES fan.
PS3, looks nice, but the price and limited games compared to the established 360 with hundreds. Apparently the PS3 is catching up though.
Downside to PS3, you can get an Xbox 360 arcade for £199, Pro (or something) for £249 and Elite / Ultra (or something like that) for £300
For those of you tooooooo lazy to search... here, this'll show you what I meant
Xbox 360 Versus PlayStation 3 Graphics Comparison - Features at GameSpot
Not every pet in Pet Society is sweet and innocent....
Posted 29 February 2008 - 06:30 AM
I have the xbox 360 elite and on my samsung HD 40" tv picture looks amazing.
I use to be a playstation fan back in the days of the ps2 but after having multiple console problems with my ps2 i decided to give xbox a try and i never looked back since.
I have never had problems with my xbox360 but i would'nt waste my time debating xbox is better than playstation as its all about personal choice at the end of the day!
I also have a nintendo wii console for my 3 kids and i love playing wii with them especially the mario party games and it plays all the old gamecube games its a bonus cuz me kids had lots cube games.
My advice as before xbox360 or ps3 for adults and wii for kids and family fun times!
I use to be a playstation fan back in the days of the ps2 but after having multiple console problems with my ps2 i decided to give xbox a try and i never looked back since.
I have never had problems with my xbox360 but i would'nt waste my time debating xbox is better than playstation as its all about personal choice at the end of the day!
I also have a nintendo wii console for my 3 kids and i love playing wii with them especially the mario party games and it plays all the old gamecube games its a bonus cuz me kids had lots cube games.
My advice as before xbox360 or ps3 for adults and wii for kids and family fun times!
Posted 29 February 2008 - 08:21 AM
PS3 (although I have a Wii). One reason for me = Final Fantasy 13 
That is all

That is all

Posted 29 February 2008 - 10:40 AM
360 all the way, good for playing backups.
Posted 29 February 2008 - 11:07 AM
Sod all these new consoles, I'll stick with my xbox for a bit longer.
Only this week I got 8 games for £20 for it.
100% agree with u there BUT you cant go wrong with the old school mega drive

Posted 29 February 2008 - 11:18 AM
100% agree with u there BUT you cant go wrong with the old school mega drive
sonic 2 all the way, much better than any new game
I got my first ever Mega Drive recently, boxed with stuff for a fiver from a charity shop.
The reason I got it was because I'd never played Sonic, and as it came with Sonic included, I thought I'd buy it.
I was actually pretty impressed

Posted 29 February 2008 - 11:41 AM
Yes - Also if your an RPG fan in the 90's, Snes was the ultimate.
My Favorite 3 RPG masterpieces on the Snes:
Secret Of Mana
Secret Of Evermore
Oh Yes
My Favorite 3 RPG masterpieces on the Snes:
Secret Of Mana
Secret Of Evermore
Oh Yes

Posted 29 February 2008 - 12:08 PM
anything but a PS3, the most pointless console since the Atari Jaguar. Had my ps3 for about 4 days. No good games, poor online comparred to 360, only reason to get a ps3 is for a blu ray player, not for gaming. 360 for serious games, WII for a laugh
Posted 29 February 2008 - 02:02 PM
there are emulators out for all the old consoles.
ROM-World.com - Rom Downloads - MAME roms Gba roms Snes roms Nintendo roms Sega Genesis roms
ROM-World.com - Rom Downloads - MAME roms Gba roms Snes roms Nintendo roms Sega Genesis roms
Posted 15 March 2008 - 10:41 AM
i got 360 and ps3 chat on xbox 360 is better then ps3 but ps3 free to go on line xbox 360 40 pound a year ps3 use open servers xbox dont so xbox you get chucked out alot of the games and lag as my ps3 never lags so both consoles are good in there own way and also microsoft have now give up on there hd drive as it is the betamax and now microsoft are on there hands and knees to sony for the right to do an externall bluray player so theres another 100 pound xbox people will be spending if they want bluray after spending 120 on hd drive which is now 40 pound:bigeyes04:
Posted 15 March 2008 - 12:37 PM
Hardcore Gamer - PS3/XBOX
Family Gamer - WII
I'm now the later but i still have a ps2 for serious games. nowadays its all about the kids so its Wii.
Family Gamer - WII
I'm now the later but i still have a ps2 for serious games. nowadays its all about the kids so its Wii.
Posted 15 March 2008 - 12:53 PM
I cant be bothered with consoles anymore, I tend to buy them, play them for ages over the course of a week then get bored and end up selling it.
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Posted 26 March 2008 - 10:49 AM
My vote is for XBOX 360.The Xbox 360 is the second video game console produced by Microsoft, and was developed in cooperation with IBM, ATI, and SiS. Its Xbox Live service allows players to compete online and download content such as arcade games, game demos, trailers, TV shows, and movies. The Xbox 360 is the successor to the Xbox, and competes with Sony's PlayStation 3 and Nintendo's Wii as part of the seventh generation of video game consoles.
Posted 26 March 2008 - 12:46 PM
Now that the Xbox 360 has had another price cut, then I think it's a no-brainer between it and the PS3 - as long as you don't mind waiting for a bit until Blu-Ray becomes a bit cheaper.
Xbox 360 Arcade can be picked up for £139 new. Granted you don't get the HDD with it, but if all you want to do is play games in HD without downloading any new content, it's one hell of a price compared to the PS3. In fact, it's nearly 1/2 the price.
Xbox 360 Arcade can be picked up for £139 new. Granted you don't get the HDD with it, but if all you want to do is play games in HD without downloading any new content, it's one hell of a price compared to the PS3. In fact, it's nearly 1/2 the price.
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